Chapter 4

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It was a cold, chilly morning with Lionstar and Snowstorm sitting there both looking around the camp thinking. Snowstorm nodded to the few warriors that were up which was Whitestripe, Sunblaze, and Sparrowflight. " Whitestripe you'll be in charge of the camp until we get back. It'll be Snowstorm, Sunblaze, Smokeblaze, Smokepelt, Stormheart, Whiteclaw and I. You'll have an additional fighting force and the she-cats and you know how fierce they can be. And Hazelwing is having Sunblaze kits so don't give her any hard work." "Snowstorm go wake up the other 4 cats... it's time to go." The group left with the apprentices making up rumors that it was a battle about to go down between them Riverclan and Thunderclan. They didn't know the battle would make them far better warriors than they ever knew.

Lionstar padded forward with the other six warriors behind him. "When we get there let me do all the talking. Do not say or do anything."
When they got there they saw 6 Riverclan warriors. It seemed like they was waiting for them but they didn't try anything. They looked and waited till they was close enough and said"We've been here since dawn. Sunningrocks is ours!!!" "How do you know we've come for sunningrocks??" "Oh you know apprentices do speak and tell a lot at gatherings.... better tell them to keep their mouth shut!" The Riverclan warriors backed up and was getting ready to fight and so was Nightclan. Lionstar yowled "Attack!!!" And he jumped into battle. Whiteclaw and Stormheart both ran towards two toms and leapt at them. "We are taking this territory!" "Never!!!!!!" Snowstorm and Sunblaze was battling a big tom who was twice their size. "Sunblaze if we work together we'll be able to force him back." Snowstorm swiped while Sunblaze nipped at the tom hind paws. Smokepelt and Smokeblaze took on a warrior but they was having trouble with them. The two warriors were faster and quicker than them and was getting scratched and bitten each minute. Then all of a sudden two more Riverclan warriors came up from the river and helped their friends fight Smokeblaze and Smokepelt. Sunblaze and Snowstorm had sent the big tom back to Riverclan with a scar on his left leg that he'll remember for a while. Then they turned and surveyed the scene. They saw Lionstar battling the tom who told them of the apprentice who talked too much and he was winning then they saw Stormheart helping out Whiteclaw with his oppenent. They looked past them and saw Smokepelt and his brother battling two opponents at the same time. "Let's help them!" And they launched into battle.
Lionstar was over the warrior who put up a good fight. He bit into his shoulder till he squirmed and with such strength shoved him off and ran and jumped backed into the river. Lionstar looked and saw his warriors sending the last Riverclan warrior away. "Sunningrocks is ours and don't you forget it!!!!" "Stormheart, Whiteclaw mark our territory and let's get back to camp." "Yes Lionstar."

The warriors hunted on the way home and caught two mouse, a bird and one fish. They walked into camp with their heads held high and Whitestripe rushed forward and asked "We're we victorious??" "Yes... We own sunningrocks but for how long I do not know." They padded forward and put the freshkill down and ate. When they was done Lionstar jumped on the little ledge and began a meeting. "We were victorious in taking sunningrocks but our enemies somehow knew we were going to be there...and they mentioned a apprentice saying it at the gathering the other night. Which one of you said it??" He looked around carefully watching the apprentices faces. Sagepaw was looking genuine curious on who said it while Silverpaw and Ivypaw both looked upset about some. He looked at his apprentice suddenly and saw him look down quickly but looked backed up in a second. "I know who said it. The meeting is over. Get some rest. We have to patrol early tomorrow." The warriors and apprentices left while oakpaw stood there looking guilty. Lionstar looked up and saw him and went to him and whispered softly "Go to my den" Goldenstream looked with sad eyes saying "I hope he doesn't get in trouble too much." The apprentices looked and saw the exchange and they was already saying and making up rumors. Stormheart witnessed it also thinking "He was never hard on me when he was my mentor....he acts like oakpaw is involved in a prophecy." Snowstorm told Sparrowflight, Silverwing and Frostfoot to sit watch for the night. They did so readily because they knew that Riverclan could ambush them when they least expected it. Hazelwing was slowly making her way to the den with Sunblaze and Dawnfeather helping her. "Are you sure you can make it till tomorrow??" That was Sunblaze asking while Dawnfeather looked at him in surprise as this was her first time seeing this side of him. "I told you I'll be ok.....this belly is getting to me....can you ask Blackfeather can I go to the nursery??" "Sure sure....are the kits coming?!" "No you mouse-brain!!!" "Ok ok be right back"
Lionstar knew he would miss Hazelwing when she had the kits but also was proud because he was getting new warriors. He padded to his den already seeing oakpaw in there.

"So oakpaw do you have anything to say for yourself??"
He looked up and replied stubbornly "no" "Hmmm...why would you go around and say that put us in a position that we could've lost..they brought two more warriors with them and we didn't notice until we already drove one back. I'll ask you one more time.. do you have anything to say for yourself??"
"I'm sorry Lionstar... it's just I eavesdropped on your conversation with Snowstorm and I got excited. So when we got to the gathering I told well told the wrong cat. I wanna be like you and Stormheart Lionstar....I look up to both of y'all."
"I see. Do you know how bad that makes you look?? A kittypet telling all his leader business like he's weak?? It doesn't just affect you but the whole clan. We already got it bad because we're kittypets and loners. They think we're weak because of that. Your punishment will be taking care of the queens and Hazelwing and getting moss for the dens. Do not let a mistake like this happen again. Go!!"
Oakpaw shot out of the den with his tail between low to the ground and head down. He got to the apprentice den hoping to talk to Ivypaw but seeing she was sleep. He thought to himself "I'll show him. I'll be the best Nightclan warrior and be better than him."

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