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(Like I said before, very different style of writing, not much action, all information, prepare for some big stuff!-Morgan x)

They sat on a hill on the right side of the castle. reading the box Draco's mother had sent him that afternoon with more than just the letters he'd received that morning. The word 'pulchra memorias' faintly painted on the side. It took a while but they managed to open it. Soon, they were knee deep information.

Hermione sat leaning against Harry's legs while reading her's.

July 3rd, 1976

'Dearest James,

How is your summer holidays? I hope you and Sirius are not doing to much trouble. Although I expect nothing more from you. I recently received an invitation from Remus, I presume you have also, about meeting at Diagon Alley at the end of the month, I can confirm I'll be attending. I'm telling you this because Sirius is terrible at writing letters back and half the time they are so badly written I can hardly read them. I do miss you Prongs, all of you. I miss our laughs, please promise me this year we will do it all again, that I won't wake up and you'll be gone. Lucius has told everyone about me, I feel the world growing smaller by the minute and the people of kindness population dropping faster than flies. How dangerous talk can be, we all know that. After that stunt you pulled last term, Severus I'm sad to say has only gotten worst, I spotted him getting advanced 7th years defence against the dark arts books the other day while I was in town, we did not speak but I believe he still likes me, considering my circumstance and reputation I'll take that as a win. Lilly hasn't shut up about you in her letters, but please promise me that ego will remain it's (though still unreasonable) size when you see her with this new information. I can't wait to see you all, All my love- Horatia.'

Harry was engrossed in his letter, reading it so quickly, he felt his eyes might pop out his head.

December 27th, 1977

'Dearest Lilly,

I don't write in my usual happiness. I have found out that my aunt has died, my only remaining guardian outside of school, I have no place to go. I'm currently in our small house were we lived in a small village in the central belt of Scotland. I'm afraid, Lilly, truly I am. For the first time in my life I have no one, oh how I wish you were all here, with me. It's our memories that keeps me going through my sorrows. Dumbledore wishes to speak with me when we return after Christmas. I do not know why, but something feels strange about his letter. Perhaps I'm over thinking things, as I usually do. I'm sorry to bring you such sad news after such a merry holiday, but non-the-less, I wished for you to know. Sirius and I have made plans to meet at the Leaky Caldron, I'm so excited, I hardly know what to wear!?, please write soon so I have an expert's advice!. I bumped into Severus at Diagon Alley again, at Christmas. I know all of your feelings towards him, rightfully justified, but I can't help but sympathise for him. Remus and I, we can't help it. So I talked to him, asked him how his Christmas was and such, he answered respectfully, which is more to say the least, he asked about you Lilly. I returned with, perfectly well, he nodded and bid me farewell, I believe he still very much misses you, as you told me. If he wasn't such a prat I would befriend him. Well, enough drama, Merry Christmas my darling, All my love- Horatia,'


Pansy was secretly wiping tears from her brown eyes. As she leaned her head on Ron's shoulder. Trying to read with blurry vision, it seemed the contents were all to much for her to bare.

August 20th, 1976

'My Dearest,

You speak so fondly of me. You make me blush just by your kind words. Why is it? that when I read I can hear your voice?. I can hear you read it to me? as if you are here in the room with me, if only you were. I wish we could meet again before school, last month was too short. Half the time we spent slinking around like a bunch of criminals. But I bet your parents would be pleased to find out you've fallen for a Slytherin. Though saying that , your parents are never pleased about nothing. How are you?, are you coping without me? must be so hard without my hand for you to hold darling. I'm only teasing we both know it's me who needs your hand to hold. As cheesy and pathetic as it sounds, I really don't know what I'd do without you, oh I do sound rather pathetic don't I?. Oh well, rather a fool for love than a warrior with no heart. Though I must say my love, if my sister does  find my letters from you, I will be beaten like a dog with a stick. Not because that they are even from you, but the words you speak. Do you really mean them?, because I hardly believe that a man such as yourself could say such things to a girl like me, what did I do to deserve such kindness? such beautiful words I keep hidden in my heart, of whom decided to bless me with you? You are nothing of your parents darling, don't believe so. I know your heart, it's a Gryffindor through and through, I've read your mind and felt your feelings and they are of a good man with a kind heart. I will write to Remus A.S.A.P and ask him if he would like to meet again, he is the planner and all, he is the best at it. Bless his heart, he's so eager to get out now-a-days, he feels so ashamed to be in that house with his father. You must write to him Sirius, keep writing to him, he needs all the company and love from friends he can get but I'll see you soon my love, forever yours- Horatia'

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