•New school•

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This day was already terrible and it just started. I hated waking up, I hated most things. But waking up was one of them.

Waking up meant being able to feel, and feeling lead to crying. Of course crying lead to another cut on my wrist.

My mom had already did her daily job of setting up my tray with meds and a glass of water. Depression and anxiety meds. I need them.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have to take them. So I could feel normal, normal people don't have to worry about these type of things.

But I'm not normal, I'm far from it. Me and normal don't even come close. There's no words to describe me.

I'm just me. Ivy Macy, a 17 year old girl who's stuck with her murderous thoughts and serious depression.

"Honey are you ready?" My mom called.

"I guess so."

I threw on a oversized sweater that hid any exposed skin. Scars were everywhere.

My arms, wrists, stomach, and a few on my neck. Each one for each thought that races around my head.

People at my old school bullied me about it. Calling me every name they could possibly think of.

That's why me and my mom moved. So I could have a new start, with new people. Even though I hated people.

"Okay new start! Don't be nervous honey. Call me if anything goes wrong, I'll zoom up here and getcha!" My mom smiled as we pulled up to the school.

"Thanks Mom."

"Try to talk and make some friends!" She yelled out the window.

I cringed as I heard the word friends. I never had any friends. I've always been an outcast.

No one liked me, everyone thought I was a freak. I don't blame them, it's not like they were lying.

But the truth hurts, in my case literally hurts. Going through the process of slicing new scars because of harsh words is painful.

I walked into the school. The scent of freshly waxed floor and perfumes filled my nose. Disgusting.

Students murmured amongst themselves. Just daily gossip about everyday nothings.

I struggled getting out my schedule from my book bag. The zipper wouldn't open!

To make it even better I walked into someone. Everyone laughed except for the person I bumped into.

He helped me to my feet then held out his hand. His features were perfect! How does he even do that, why can't I do that?

"S..sorry." I said, barely audible.

"No it was my fault I should've been watching where I was going. You're the new girl, right?"

The new girl. I'm already loving the new nickname I earned. (Sarcasm). I nodded in response.

"I'm Colby." He smiled.


"That's a beautiful name."

I didn't reply back. I didn't know what to say. I've never had this long of a conversation with anyone before.

It was weird. I've only talked to my teachers, and my mom for this long.

The bell rang, indicating students were now late. I groaned and swore under my breath.

I took my time and unzipped my book bag and got out my schedule. I read over the classroom numbers. Where's A hall?

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