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Same day
{Mia's P.O.V.}

1:26 am

"You actually said that to him?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah, I mean, he deserved it. Professor Gilmore is a dick." Ethan answers, his body shaking with laughter.

I shake my head and bring my drink up to my lips, tilting my head back to get the last sip.

I set the bottle down on the table and glance over at my phone to check the time.

"Oh shit, it's nearly 1:30!" I say, picking myself up out of my chair.

"What, is it past your bedtime or something?" Ethan asks with a smirk on his face.

"Ha ha." I monotone. "No, I'm just going to be like, dead tomorrow if I'm not in bed soon." I clarify, causing him to laugh.

"So basically," he begins, "it's past your bedtime?" I roll my eyes and start walking towards the Sigma Pi house.

"Wait!" Ethan yells, scrambling to get out of his chair. "Let me walk you." He adds as he jogs to catch up with me.

The walk is peaceful, close to silent if you ignore the faint talking of groups walking back to their dorms and frat houses.

Once we reach Sigma, I start to walk up the house steps before Ethan grabs hold of my wrist, pulling me back towards him.

"Ethan seriously, I need to go to bed." I whine, checking my phone for the time, again. His eyes stare intensely into mine and I suddenly realize what he's doing when he leans his head towards mine.

"Oh no you don't!" I say, blocking my mouth with my hand.

He pulls his head back, his face struck with a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

"Not tonight." I tease, biting my lip as I walk up the steps to the house door. "Goodnight Ethan."

He places his hand awkwardly behind his neck before mumbling, "Goodnight Mia."

{Ethan's P.O.V.}


"So how'd it go?" Nate says, scaring the shit out of me as I walk through the door.

"Oh uh, it was great." I lie. She wouldn't even kiss me.

He nods his head with a look of skepticism on his face. I roll my eyes and head up the grand stairs, walking towards my bedroom.

What a snob honestly. Any girl would kill to have a guy like me kiss them, what the hell was her problem?

All Sigma Pi girls are snobs. They're all rich with daddy's money and they think they're better than everyone.

How the hell am I supposed to have sex with her if she won't even kiss me.

I pace back and forth in my bedroom, replaying tonight's events, when suddenly there's a knock at my door.

"It's unlocked!" I yell, allowing the door to swing open.

"Where've you been all night?" Grayson asks, throwing himself on my bed.

"I think I made a $100 bet that I can't win." I confess, sitting down in my desk chair.

"What the fuck did you bet?" He asks, quickly sitting up. "$100 is a lot of money to lose." He adds as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, I know." I scoff. "I made a bet with Nate that I could get a Sigma Pi girl of his choice to sleep with me within 3 months."

His face drops and he gets up from the bed. "Ethan, you didn't!"

I sigh and look up at him. "I did."

"You're such a douche bag man. And that's coming from one of the biggest douche bags in this frat house." He says, shaking his head at me.

"What? It's just sex." I laugh.

"Yeah, sex with an innocent girl for money. That's low E." He sounded disappointed. I shoot him a puzzled look.

What's the big deal?

He shrugs and turns towards the door. "There's no backing out now," I say before he leaves, "the bets already made."

Friday, August 24th
{Mia's P.O.V.}

9:24 am

Friday and Saturday nights are the biggest during rush week. Parties are wilder, people are crazier, and the nights are longer.

I turn my alarm off before it rings, stretching my arms as a yawn escapes my mouth.

"Miiiiia!" Tara's voice hums as my door opens.

"What." I groan, placing my feet on the floor.

"Guess who's here?" She says, biting her lip to keep her from smiling.

I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion, when suddenly a head peeks over Tara's shoulder.

"Oh my God! Jaz!" I squeal, pushing past Tara to pull Jazmin into a hug.

Jazmin and I joined Sigma Pi at the same time last year. Immediately I knew we'd be close.

She wasn't snobby like the other girls in the sorority and she actually knows how to have fun. I fucking love this girl.

"I am so glad you're here!" I say as I pull away from her. "You have to tell me all about your vacay!"

She's been in Bora Bora almost all Summer with her parents, leaving me in L.A. with the rest of the sorority girls.

It's definitely been the Summer from hell.

"Okay, okay! Let me go put my stuff in my room and we can get ready together." Jazmin says, grabbing her bags from the floor.

11:46 am

"So, are there any boys in your life that you haven't told me about?" Jazmin asks as she applies a fake eyelash to her lid.

My mouth forms a smirk, causing Jazmin to smack me in the arm. "Oh my God! There's a guy in your life?" She shrieks.

"I don't know, I met him last night. It's probably not going anywhere so don't get your hopes up." I chuckle, applying finishing touches to my makeup.

"You met him last night? How?" She asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

"I guess he's in Phi Kappa, he was at the frat party last night." I explain as I throw on a thrasher t-shirt and black high waisted shorts.

"Name?" She interrogates, pulling out a few outfit choices from her closet.

"Ethan." I roll my eyes. "Are you done questioning me now?"

"Not even close. Is he going to the party tonight?" She asks, sliding into a mauve romper.

I shrug and put on a pair of black vans. "I'm not sure, I guess we'll find out when we get there."

She smirks before stepping into a pair of sandals. "Ready?"

"As ready as one can be." I sigh, following her down the stairs and out the front door.

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