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Saturday, September 15th
{Mia's P.O.V.}

9:22 pm

"Hey Mia, someone's at the door for you." Tara says, peeking her head into my bedroom. I look over at Jaz and shrug at her confused facial expression.

"Is it Ethan?" She coos, wiggling her eyebrows as she turns onto her stomach.

"Why would he be here?" I ask and get up from my bed, quickly fixing my hair in the mirror before leaving.

She gives me a look that questions my intelligence as I slip on my pair of white vans. "I'll be right back." I roll my eyes and shut the door behind me.

Why would he be visiting me at 9:30 on a Saturday night? Doesn't he have something better to do like party and hook up with random girls?

Quickly stepping down the stairs, I jog over to the front door and quickly open it, shocked to actually see Ethan standing outside.

"Ethan? What're you doing here?" I ask, quietly shutting the door and folding my arms.

He clenches his jaw, looking away for a second and then back at me. "I want you."

My mouth gapes open slightly, did he really just say he wants me? God, he must really be bipolar. I'm sure of it now.

I shake my head and scoff at him. "You've got to be kidding me." I turn to walk into the house but he grabs my arm, pulling me away from the door.

"Stop doing that! Touch me again and I swear to God I'll... I'll..." My voice fades as I find myself unable to determine what I was trying to threaten him with.

He grabs my arm again, pulling me even closer to him. "You'll what?" His voice is suddenly deep and raspy, making my knees go weak.

"What do you want Ethan? I've heard it all from you, don't you think I've had enough of whatever this is? I'm so sick and tired of your games." My voice comes out more shaky than I'd hoped.

His dark eyes and large build made him somewhat intimidating to me, making it hard to speak my mind.

"I'm not playing games with you Mia." He assured me, running a hand through his hair as if it'll relieve the tension.

"Then what's going on here because I'm really starting to think you need to see a doctor for your bipolar mood swings!" I yell before I lose the courage.

Ethan notices a group of sorority girls gathered in the window and grabs my arm again, pulling me further away from the house.

"I don't know what I'm doing, Mia. All I know is that you kissed me first." His eyes were fixed on mine, it took everything inside of me to not take that to my advantage and kiss him.

I intake a sharp breath, "You kissed me first yesterday."

A long sigh leaves his lips before he chuckles softly. "Yeah, and you didn't stop me! God, this must be so hard for you."

"What must be hard?" I wince, taken aback by his sudden accusation.

"You, acting like you don't want me." He says.

As much as every part of me wanted to deny it to him, I couldn't even deny it to myself. Every part of me didn't just want him, I craved him.

There were multiple things I wanted to say to him, but I don't know how to say them. Instead of saying anything at all, I take a deep breath and stay silent.

"I'll see you in class Monday, Mia. I hope you'll think about what I've said." He takes his lip in between his teeth before smirking at me.

I back towards the house slowly as he turns on his heel and walks away. What the fuck just happened.

Monday, September 17th
{Ethan's P.O.V.}

10:30 am

I made sure I was in class on time this morning, not wanting to risk Professor Morris kicking me out of class for being late.

I've been waiting to see Mia since Saturday night. She's the only thing that's been on my mind.

I take a seat in the back, waiting to see her walk through the doors of the lecture hall. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest but I remained collected, not wanting to tarnish my reputation.

The doors swing open, replacing my attention from my phone to her. She had on an olive green bodysuit and blue ripped skinny jeans. To pull it all together, she had on her classic white vans.

Her eyes met mine as she cautiously walked up the steps, choosing to sit in a chair below mine.

Today's lesson was especially awful. Professor Morris droned on about the "incredible" works of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets, nearly putting the whole class to sleep.

It's not like I was actually paying attention though, my thoughts were consumed by Mia.

"Class dismissed!" Morris yelled, causing a frenzy amongst my classmates as they hurried to gather their things and leave.

As I make my way over to Mia, Jack slides himself next to her and begins rambling on about something. Me, being the jealous and nosy fucker I am, listens in.

"Are you going to the movies tonight with Jaz, Gray, and me?" He asks, grinning from ear to ear.

God, I could just throw a punch at him right now. I know what he's doing. He's not even her type, he should just give up.

"Actually," I jump in, startling the both of them. "Mia and I have plans tonight." Mia turns around and looks at me, confused.

"What?" Mia and Jack reply in unison. Wow, she's really bad at going along with things.

"Geez, did you forget? Silly goose." I reply, pinching her cheek between my fingers. She pulls back slightly before pulling a hand to her head.

"Ha! Crazy I just forgot like that. Sorry Jack, raincheck?" She says, sympathetically placing a hand on his shoulder.

He looks disappointed, but nods his head with a sigh. "It's okay. Um, I'll see you around." He says awkwardly before walking away from us.

"What the hell? What was that about?." She says between her teeth as I pull her along beside me.

"Let's discuss what you need to wear for tonight's event, huh?" I say, trying to change the subject. As a sign of resistance, she stops walking and stands still in the middle of the hallway.

"If you don't tell me what the hell that was, I swear I will go find Jack and let him know that I am going to the movies with them." Her lips purse as she folds her arms.

"Can you just ignore it and walk?" I groan, becoming more annoyed by the second.

She turns on her heel and begins walking the other direction, making me chase after her. "Wait-" I yell, grabbing her arm.

"I didn't want you going to the movies with Jack. There, I admitted it, now let's go." I mumble, tugging on her arm.

A smirk appears on her lips as she submits to the pulling and follows behind me. "Anything for you, Dolan."

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