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I had just turned 14 when Doc first saw me drive. I'd nicked his Bentley when he wasn't looking, and I drove off with it. I intended on selling it, just like the other things I had taken before, so I could afford the surgery that my terminally ill mother needed.
Well, as you can guess, when he tracked me down he wasn't best pleased with me, and didn't really give a fuck about my excuses; but he made sure I knew who he was, unfortunately for me then, he was the leader of a world wide wanted gang, which in fact, made up over 40% of Atlantas Crime rate. I was terrified of him until he showed me some pity and offered me a job to save up for my mum. He said that if I were someone else, someone who wasn't the bravest person he'd seen in decades, he would have had me shot me dead, but I was what he called, different. I was brave, courageous and a 'little devil behind the wheel', as he phrased it, which is why he gave me the job as his get away Driver for when I joined him. I took him up on the offer, obviously, and he has been like a dad to me ever since.

I came from a shit- hole of a family anyway, after loosing his job in England and moving to Atlanta for a fresh start, my dad gave up and became an abusive drinker, he would beat me and my siblings every night, whilst my mum wallowed away with a bottle of alcohol in her room, too scared to do anything, hoping that the alcohol would kick in and wipe away her misery. Dad died when I was 9, shot himself I think. Since then, things started to go down hill, my eldest sister, Monica, ran away with her boyfriend and got married in Vegas, proper traditional my family are. Not. I miss her though, we were really close. Soon after, mum got a brain tumour, and urgently needed surgery if she wanted to live, but we couldn't afford it, so the doctors gave her some heavy medication to relieve her of the pain, but the tumor would still get bigger. Unfortunately, my little sister Violet somehow got her hands on the medicine and shortly after died of an 'overdose' before the doctors could do anything.
Life Sucks.

Mum gave up after that, if she wasn't a wreck before, she sure was now. After binning her meds, the pain became too excruciating for her, my elder brother Josh and I tried to soothe her and talk her into getting more medication, but she wouldn't. In her head she was already gone. She too, killed herself.
Life's a bitch sometimes.

Thankfully, Doc took us under our wing, but soon after Josh left to fly back to England to live in London where he could get into Uni. I still keep in close contact with him. My younger brother Aris and I FaceTime him all the time, and he is doing really well, he got into University and is studying Geography and languages, he wants to travel the world and drop into Atlanta from time to time.
Doc trained Aris and I to the best of our abilities, so that when we came of age, we could join the elite squad. The elite squad are the best of the best of the best. They stop at nothing to succeed, and go on all the 'field trips' as I call them. Aris was trained to be a hacker, so he could get into systems and security cameras, whilst I was trained to be the best get away driver the face of the earth had ever seen. I'm also in charge of assessing important documents and information as I have a photographic memory, which regularly comes in handy.

Everything went swimmingly until one night, when some of Docs workers rebelled against him, and well, let's just say I got a bit too close to some of the bullets that were fired, and it fucked up my ears. It gave me this permanent, constant ringing in my ears called Tinnitus. It's awful, I could hardly eat, sleep or concentrate for months. Doc, being the life save that he is, bought me earphones and an IPod for my birthday, and when I listen to music on it, it instantly drowns out the ringing sound.

Now I'm 21 years old and Aris is 18. I've been the official getaway driver for around 4 years now and I'd like to say that I am pretty good at what I do. That was until he came along.

A/N- I hope this clears up how she got into Doc's service and stuff. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments.


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