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"Mum I am so happy for you" I said with a fake smile

"Oh no sweetie I am so sorry, I know you have bad memories from Widdiston, but together we can work it out" Mom said

"Besides, Marisa would be attending the school with you ''

Oh no.

Marisa used to be one of my friends and she became one of Amanda minions and left me .

That was one of the reasons we moved here.

"Wow that's great mom" I said.

This day keeps getting better and better.

"Guess what" She said with excitement

"We're moving by the end of summer"

"Mom that's great news" I said

"I know sweetie am so happy"

"You can spend the rest of your summer with your friends" She said with a smile

"Thanks mum"

I made my way to the stairs

"Chloe, I know how much this affects you I just want a change of environment after the incident"

Oh mum

"It's okay mom, don't worry about the past. Besides you only want the best for me" I said with a smile

"Don't worry mom we can work it out together" I said

"Ok sweetie" she replied.

I went to the room and flopped on my bed completely exhausted about today's event. (Is flopping even a word).

Remind me to tell the news to my friends.

I mean who is going to be my wing man when I flirt with boys' .I am really going to miss them.

I mean where am I going to get friends from when all of them turned their back on me in my old school .

That reminds me that chestnut might be attending that school .

Oh no I don't want to see that dude again he really annoys me or maybe I can change my identity .

None would recognize me With that thought inmind I slept off without removing my bra.    

Next morning

I shouldn't have slept in my bra it was so uncomfortable.

I thought about changing my identity but i just can't do that,am too lazy and i don't want to waste my time on some dude who doesn't like me.

I made my way to the bathroom and brushed my teeth for like 7 minutes believe me its not too long then proceeded to have my bath .

I  am going to miss this tub for lasting 30 minutes in the bathroom with me.

After my bath i moved to the mirror am going to miss the mirror for not breaking when i sang with my"awesome voice" .

After drying my hair i picked out my outfit for today

After drying my hair i picked out my outfit for today

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Today is Monday August 14 2017. I have like a week to spend with my friends.

So i have to make it memorable.

After telling my friends the news we planned for the most memorable summer of our life

Hey guys i know this wasn't good enough like i always say i hope i get better in the next chapters.My name remains Zahyion. Love y'all.

What do you guys think should i write part of the summer or everything. Pls don't forget to comment,vote and follow if you want.Thanks for reading my book.

Thanks for reading my book

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The Story Of Chloe WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now