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By the end of the day. I was tired and sleepy. I just wanted to fly on  my bed and sleep.

I was making my way home on the sidewalks with my bag slung on my left shoulder with one strap when I heard my name being called.

I was extremely tired and I wanted to leave school as soon as possible.
So I ignored the person calling me.

Then I felt it. It felt something like a ball hit me square on the  head. It was so painful.I am sure I would have a bump on my head my tommorrow.

I placed my hand on my head in pain. I was right.I saw the base ball lying on the floor beside my foot.

Who the heck would throw a ball at me. I was annoyed.

My head hurts so bad. 

"What the heck "

"Who the heck threw this" I asked no one in patricular as I faced back.

"Finally caught your attention" Xavier said as he ran up to me with a triumphant look on his face which I wanted to mop off his face badly.

" Is that why you threw a ball at me" I spat with venom .

"You didn't send the address" he said

Oh I forgot to send the number to him.

Is that even a way to start a conversation.

"Still you shouldn't have thrown a ball at me"

"I could have died or fainted or had a concoction....." I said.

" But you didn't I am the star quarter back of this school"

"I never miss a target" He said.

Cocky much?

He said with a smirk on his face which I really wanted to wipe off his face.

" I will send it to you when I get home" I said clearly annoyed.

"No send it now "

He didn't even say please

"I don't want to get a low mark on my psychology project or call you in the night when I have better things to do" he said.

I wonder what better things he has to do.

But he actually has a point I would probably  forget when I get home from school.

I brought out my phone from my pocket ,unlocked it then typed in the address and sent it to him.

"There happy"  I said.

I heard his phone ding.

"Yep " he said and walked off.

He didn't even say sorry for the ball or Thank you.

Oh he is such an arrogant jerk.

I take back my words Xavier Black is rude despite the fact he bought Chinese food for me.

I discarded all thoughts of Xavier been a jerk from my mind and made my way home while listening to Marshmallow on my phone.

My the time I got home I was so tired. My head was sore. My head hurt so bad.

I removed my shoes at the entrance then placed them on the rack beside the door.

I made my way to the kitchen to get some painkiller.  I ate some chips before using the painkiller.

I really hope it takes the pain away because my head hurts like hell.

The jerk didn't even apologize.

The Story Of Chloe WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now