13 and Armed

73 4 1

P.S this is my first time writing anything so im sorry if it is shitty. Any tips on how to improve would be helpful ^_^ thank you !

My name is Elisabeth. I know, it's a bit of a shit name but my parents gave it to me so I have to live with it.
I am 13 years old and my life is the most uneventful thing ever. Okay maybe after England. I have medium-short brown hair and blue eyes. There is nothing special about me and I don't have that "special gift" which people are always saying everyone has. It's all a load of bullshit really I mean c'mon you can't just be born with some amazing talent can you?
I live in outer London where nothing happens. Like seriously absolutely nothing exciting happens.


Just woke up...ugh what time is it... SHIT 6:20 am i'm gonna miss my bus!

Eeerm quick where's my shirt. Fuck I've forgotten to put underwear on damn it. Just put everything on and run down stairs.

"WHERE'S THE FOOD GONE!" i'm thinking. God why is it that I can't find anything just when I really need to. Okay now... no milk?What is this bullshit?? ugh i'll just have toast. I'll get the butter out whilst i'm waiting. Okay there's the toast.

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