What's that...

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Wait, whats that...I would have sworn i saw something move in the bushes...
Meh it must have been a fox or something. Spread spread spread (the toast you dirty minded person). Okay got my toast now go back upstairs and get what you need for school.
Wait what do I have today? ugh no time I'm just gonna put all my books in my bag i really don't care.
Brush ma teeeeeethh. Ugh 2 minutes? Ain't nobody got time for that. Slap some mascara on, grab my bag and letsa gooo! Wait I can't leave without any shoes on....or can I... Nope definitely can't.


Walking to the bus stop is so boring. I live like 20 minutes away walking but its just so tedious. Why is that man going so slowly in his car.... And why does he have his phone in such a suspicious angle.... Just walk very quickly and hopefully he will go away. I'll just text dad just incase anything happens because i'm feeling real uncomfortable at the moment.

Elisabeth:Hey dad think sum guy might
b following me :/ not sure tho wat do I do.

And send... The guy is still persisting to follow me. I am getting slightly worried now. Oh dad's just sent a text...


Steve is dad's best friend. Seriously they are like brothers. But why would he want me to go there? Is there something going on? There's his house. I think I'm gonna run to it because I'm getting really freaked out and I'm not exactly sure what is happening...

P.s HEYA k so im not sure about this. Any comments or help would be useful ;P how do u like it?

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