Plan to build a team

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Zack woke up he felt unconscious for hours and found himself inside a farm house room  he saw a farm boy holds a

wet cloth and said ''I rescued you from that mad scientist and please remove your black costume.'' Zack realized he hadn't

removed his ring since he was rescued Zack replied ''I don't reveal

my identity to others and how can you rescue me?'' the farm boy chuckled and said ''I am not just

a normal farm boy I am a hero too." Zack was feeling that he was being

pranked he replied ''Uum maybe you took a blow to the head." the boy

replied ''did i?'' then he clicked a button suddenly a very thick metal brownish armor and his body

sparked and ignited. Zack's eyes widened 0oO he was amazed he found a friend or a teammate already. Zack removed his ring and his face was all jacked

up its bleeding and bruising but Zack never cared about it.(uh oh not good for your health mister and acts like a true hero ._.) Zack saw the cloth the boy was holding earlier was actually burning the boy absorbed the flame. Its just like he didn't even care, Zack was amazed how amazing a farm boy was."Blaze by the way'' said the farmboy "Oh I'm Zack" they

shook hands and get out the farm house Blaze told Zack that he joined a organization of S.H.O.H(special headquarters for heroes) Zack realized

Maxie the founder of S.H.O.H, he flashbacks the terrible murder Hell smoke has caused to Zack. Blaze snapped his finger and Zack returned to his senses(or maybe he was back to earth (XD).Zack asked Blaze if they could find more supernatural heroes that can help them

Blaze said ''actually there are only a few of us that contains superpowers." Zack got the point so he decided that they would make a team of superheroes.
They used one of the cars to find the first hero they had to recruit in their team. ''Why is this hero so far!" Zack complains, It was already a few hours since they left the abandoned farm house. Zack rarely returns to his apartment because he spends his time every night patrolling New york.
It was hard staying up all night, Headaches everyday,and not healthy for the body. ''Sometimes Superheroes stay out from innocent people maybe they might hurt someone." Blaze answers calmly. It seems it might take a little while to get to their next hero.

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