"Oh god Goal, there you are, I thought I really lost you. Don't worry Goal, I won't lose you again. I got something to tell you today, I finally made it to Elysium. The bad part though, it's just like Deponia, no difference! But hey that's fine, who needs to meet new people and learn new places when I already know all I need. But Goal I am surprised, you never once told me that Deponia and Elysium are exactly the same. I won't say I am mad at you, but I am a little disappointed. But hey it's fine now, all we need is each other and that's exactly what we have. I wish you would talk back to me Goal, on your own, without using my voice. But your implant is broken again and there is only so much that can be done, and look on the bright side, at least you aren't split in three again *laughs*. Now here, let's go home and try to get some peace after all that panic trying to find you. I am so sorry for losing you, I promise I never will again. You're the only thing keeping me sane down here Goal, so please lets never leave each other."
Rufus stops recording and heads home, but this time someone was in ear shot of his recordings, and he is very concerned for Rufus.

Forever Elysium Bound
Fanfictionafter the events of Goodbye Deponia it turns out Rufus has survived, but with the very last accession boat gone he finds that things won't turn out so good for himself