Part 4

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Instead of returning to the den of the wolf demon tribe, Koga and Nobara sent the dark brown she-wolf, Chūsei, to retrieve more of their packmates. While she was away, Nobara transformed into dragon form so she could search for Inuyasha and the others, and Koga devised a plan to set a trap. Once everything was in place, Nobara met up with Koga and Chūsei at the riverbank below the ledge of the mountain path.

Returning to human form, Nobara cast Koga a confused glance. "Remind me why we're doing this again? We don't exactly need Kagome to attack the Birds of Paradise nest."

Koga raised a brow at her. "The Birds of Paradise aren't the only ones with a shard. With her ability, we can gather all the shards in this region."

"If you insist," Nobara said with a shrug. "You know where I'll be if you need me."

With that, the wolf-dragon shifted into canine form and turned, loping away down the riverbank. Nobara shook her head, letting out a snort. Try as she might, the wolf-dragon couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy towards Kagome. The girl had one ability that Nobara didn't, and yet it was the single most important power of them all.

The amber wolf leapt up onto a rock with a grunt, and as soon as she went to jump across the river, reptilian-dragon wings sprouted from her shoulder blades in a burst of golden fire. With a downward thrust of her wings, Nobara pulled herself straight up into the air. The more she beat her wings, the faster she flew, until the wind around her was whistling with the force of her speed.

Once satisfied, Nobara's wings snapped straight out and she glided through the air. The winged-wolf looked down, still able to see the mountain trail between the thin vaporous clouds. She could see Chūsei and her half of the pack waiting on the mountaintop and began her descent towards them. Nobara had agreed to let the wolves do their part while she kept an eye out for any Birds of Paradise that could threaten to interrupt Koga's plan.

Moments after she landed at the top of the cliff, Nobara heard an angry voice from down below.

"Oh, so I'm your faithful terrier all of a sudden – wondering if I've sniffed out a scent or heard something with my little doggy ears? Damn, you guys piss me off – every single one of you!"

The wolf let out a quiet chuff as she laughed to herself. Who pissed off Inuyasha this time? Her question was answered a second later when she heard Miroku groan loudly.

"Ugh! Relax. I'm simply asking if you sense another presence in the air like we do."

Nobara stiffened and cast a glance at Chūsei. The brown she-wolf had crouched down against the rock and was looking back at Nobara with anticipation. The wolf-dragon gave a nod of approval, and Chūsei bounded forward with seven of her packmates on her heels. Nobara waited a moment. When she heard a shout of surprise from Inuyasha, she stepped forward to look over the edge.

Four of the wolves had successfully tackled Inuyasha off the ledge and were in a free-fall towards the river. Nobara cringed as Chūsei received a hard kick in the ribs from Sango, and again as the other three were smacked to the side by Miroku. A cloud of dusting being kicked up from the riverbank was Nobara's signal.

Extended her wings out, Nobara snapped them forward as she pushed her paws from the rocky ledge. Koga's voice called out yet another insult at Inuyasha as he ran straight up the mountainside.

"See you later, mutt-face."

Nobara remained observant in the sky as she watched Kagome run to the ledge and call out, "Inuyasha!" She had barely finished saying his name when she was pushed back by a whirlwind. As soon as Koga's feet touched the rocky path, he whirled around and scooped up Kagome in his right arm, causing her and Shippo to let out a shriek.

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