Present time...

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"Are you sure this looks nice on me?" I ask turning around in the dress I got for my 1 year anniversary with my lovely boyfriend min yoongi,

"Jezzabelle, everything looks nice on you" Hoseok replied with a wide grin as I turn around with a smile,

"You look better then jiminie" Jungkook says with a snicker before he was attacked by an angry jimin,

"Yoongi has got a good taste in women" A voice says from the door of my hotel room with yoongi as I turned to see the got7 members smiling at me,

"Mark! Yugyeom!"I shrieked happily hugging the two long legged members of the group,

"Wow! No hello Jackson? Well I get it, bye!" Jackson shouts before walking out the door before being pushed back in by youngjae as I laughed,

"My favorite rapper Jackson!" I shrieked happily as he pulls me into a tight hug while giggling,

"I heard that!" Namjoon shouts as Jackson flipped him off with a laugh,

"That's why God gave you ears duh" he says before sitting by him as they argue about who's the best rapper,

"Bebe" Youngjae says hugging me as I laughed at the nickname he's been calling me since I first told him I never had a nickname before,

"Hello my little friend" Jin young says patting my head as I poked his side,

"I'm not little, Im fun sized" I say with a frown as he looked me up and down with a raised brow before laughing with me,

"Wassup girl" Bambam says leaning against the door with a wink before hugging me as I hugged my favorite fanboy,

"So what's this about how you look like in a dress?" Jackson asks sitting on the long couch with the rest of the other guys,

"I'm trying to surprise Yoongi with a new dress for our 1 year anniversary today and I was asking the guys if I looked nice in this one or this one" I say picking up the other dress I picked out,

"I think you look beautiful in anything" I hear a deep voice say as I turned to the door seeing Jb looking over my body with a smirk as I smiled,

"Thanks but I really wanna know before going on our date tonight" I say turning back to the mirror with a raised brow,

"He's right bebe you look stunning in everything you wear, you can ask all of your fans that say so on instagram" Youngjae says as I sighed,

"But pick one guys, just one" I say showing them the other dress as they all pointed at different ones,

"Okay we'll take a vote" Bambam says standing up as the guys nod,

"All in favor of the dress she has on say I" He announced as some of them say I,

"All in favor of the other dress say I" He says as some of them say I,

"And all in favor of her without any of them on say Yeah!"He shouts happily as they all cheered,

"Guys!" I groaned while covering my face with a laugh before feeling a pair of hands pull my hands away,

"You look perfect in this one" Jaebum says before smiling down at me as I huffed before nodding,

"Okay, well I'm gonna go fix my face and hair before my date tonight" I say with a wide grin as he nods,

I rushed inside the bathroom grabbing my makeup kit and hair supplies.

~~1 hour later~~ 😂

"How do I look now?" I ask walking out of the bathroom as the guys looked at me with raised brows,

"I don't get why you wear all that stuff on your face if you look the same?" Taehyung asks walking up to me while studying my face as I frowned,

"I like doing make up okay, it hides my hideousness" I replied before grabbing my purse as the guys groaned,

"Here we go again!" Jackson groans as I look at him confused,

"What?"I asked as the guys shook their heads,

"You always put yourself down when your the most perfect person in the world" Jackson says as the guys nodded and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right, sorry to end our conversation so soon but my oppa is waiting for me at the restaurant" I say winking at them as they laughed,

I walked out texting yoongi that I was on my way downstairs before getting into the elevator.

"Hey!" A voice shouts as I stopped the elevator letting a out of breath jaebum into the elevator,

"Where you going?" I ask with a little laugh as he sighs,

"Nowhere, just wanted to walk you out" He says with a smile as I shrugged,

"Is he gonna pick you up downstairs?" He asks as I shook my head,

"He told me to meet up at the restaurant so I was just gonna catch a cab instead" I say with a shrug as his eyes widened,

"Why don't I just give you a ride then? I mean I have nothing else to do today" he says as I shook my head,

"Thanks for the offer but I'll be okay" I replied with a nod before he shook his head now,

"I wouldn't want you hitching a ride with a random person that could be a murderer or something, come on" he says as the elevator opened and he pushed us through the crowded hotel lobby that had many fans and paparazzi everywhere,

"My cars back here" he says holding my hand tightly as we push through everyone while heading out of the back door of the hotel,

"Wow that's alot of people" he says as we got into his car,

"I thought the fans would be gone after last night" I say as he starts the car,

"I think the news of all three famous kpop groups being in one hotel in New York got around to them" he says with a chuckle as I nod,

"Where's the place your heading to?" He asks driving along the road,

"Keen's Steakhouse, he's been wanting to go there since we got off the plane" I say with a s mile as jb glanced at me before clearing his throat,

"How far is it from here?" He asks as I looked at the google map,

"On here it says it should be up a few blocks then turn right" I say as he nods,

"I'm glad we're spending some time together for once" he says with a smile as I raised a brow,

"What do you mean? We always hang out, you come over all the time with the rest of the guys" I say with a scoff as he shook his head,

"No I meant a one on one thing" he says as I shrugged,

"Oh, well you could've just asked. I would love to spend time with you one on one" I replied as he looked at me before turning back to the road with a frown,

"I've always wanted to ask but everytime I see you, your either working, hanging out with the other guys, or out with your boyfriend" he says pulling into the parking lot of the steakhouse as I sighed,

"Lemme know what time your free tomorrow and I'll promise to make space for you on my busy schedule okay" I say opening the door before turning to kiss him on the cheek and stepping out of his truck,

"Thanks for the ride" I say waving at him and closing the door as he smiled before driving off,

I checked to see if everything was okay on my body before walking inside the restaurant for the date I've been excited for this whole day.

Vote and comment guys 😊😊😊Oh! And I was thinking of including monsta x and other boy groups in here later on to so tell me what you guys think of the book so far and I promise the juicy part of this book is sooner then you guys are expecting 😉😂😂

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