Cafe of memories of the past & future...

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"See you later" Suran says walking out of my hotel room as I laid in bed with a frown,

I looked at my phone to see if I had any messages from my girlfriend only to find messages from my group members and Suran only. I looked at my phone confused since I always get messages from my girlfriend everyday  wether she was busy or not. I got up dressing myself while trying to call my girlfriend only to come in contact with her voicemail. Why would she not pick up her phone?

"Yoongi!" J hope shouts as soon as I walked out of my hotel room fully clothed while continuously calling my girlfriend,

"Why do you look angry?" He asks as I speed walk down the hall trying to avoid him,

"Well have a nice day" he says with a awkward chuckle as I got onto the elevator hearing the voicemail again,

Where could she possibly be?! And why isn't she answering her phone?! I continued to leave voicemails and text messages on her phone while walking out of the big hit building to get some air.

Random things in my mind kept flashing through my brain about where she would be as I walked around randomly not even caring if I get lost or if a fan saw me. I eventually got hungry while on my way around the block only to see the cafe me and Jezzabelle loved going to when we first started dating. It's a very nice place but hardly anyone shows up.

I walked inside as the scent of ramen instantly hit my nose and I smiled at the memory of my girlfriend and I coming in here and ordering ramen for the first time since it was both of our first time being here and not knowing any other food then ramen on the menu.

After I ordered one bowl of ramen for myself I sat in the same booth my girlfriend and I sat in the first time we came. I smiled at the seat across from me remembering her chowing down the ramen as if it was her last meal, it's a good thing I was the only one here or else I'd look like a psycho.

I remember her chubby cheeks and red nose was all I remembered since it was really cold out when we came in and her nose always turned bright red when she was out in the cold.

"One bowl of ramen please" A familiar voice says as my thoughts were cut off when the view of a person that looked so much like-

"Jezzabelle!" Another voice says as I looked behind her to see Jb rushing towards her with a gasp,

"Jooheon told me about what happened, I'm sorry" he says with a sad expression as I stared at them confused when he pulled her into a hug,

She grabbed her bowl of ramen before walking with Jb to the other side of the cafe, it was a good thing I was sitting in the back of the place unseenable.

"I know you must be angry and confused but I wanted you to know that I'll never forget what happened that night" Jb  says as my girlfriend eats her food with a frown not even looking up at him,

"I want you to know that while your going through your state of confusion right now............I love you" he says after a long pause as not only mine but my girlfriends eyes widened at his words,

"What?" She asks putting her chopsticks down slowly staring at him,

"You don't have to say anything, it's okay. I just wanted to tell you how I felt before the guys and I go on tour and I don't see again" He says while getting up before she grabbed his arm,

"Tour? What?" She asks as he sighs,

"Since our album just recently came out, our tour starts tomorrow and I wanted to tell you how I felt so that it'll give me some time to get used to the fact that you'll never love me back" he says with a small smile before getting and walking away,

"Wait! Jb I-" before she finished he turned with anger,

"Don't do that!" He snapped as she flinched back,

"Don't say sorry or try to say somethikng that involves me wanting to come back and make love to you all over again. It was a one night stand remember? Just leave it like that if you don't want me crawling back to you" he says glaring down at her with tears in his eyes as she frowned,

Before she could say anything he shook his head and left as she sniffled.

"You slept with him!?" I shouted walking up to her now as she turned to look at me in shock,

"Yoongi?" She asks shaking her head before I grabbed her shoulders to face me,

"You cheated on me with Jaebum?!" I shouted as she sniffled before pushing me away,

"And you kissed another girl?!" She shouted as my eyes widened,

"What are you talking about? I never k-" before I finished she slapped me as I gasped,

"Jooheon told me about how he saw you kissing another girl on the street around the starship building so don't  say I'm the only one who cheated!" She shouted before pushing me away and running out of the cafe as I remembered now that I was with Suran at the Starbucks across from the starship building.

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