Visiting Mark

386 19 11

Mark is currently at the dance studio practicing the new choreography with his members. As they get the moves down, a break is announced. He sits on the ground, drenched with sweat, and checks his phone.



He swipes his phone to input the passcode and presses the messages app.



are you done w practice?

emma misses you

and so do I


not yet

i'm on break rn


When Wendy receives his replies, she tells Emma, their daughter. Emma gives Wendy a devilish look-eyebrows waggled, eyes narrowed, and a smug smile (with dimples!). Wendy returns one with her own twist-the infamous smirk. Emma learned well from the satanic duo JoyRi, Joy and Yeri.

They arrange their outfits. Wendy pairs a black and white striped tee with blue jeans and Converse shoes and ties it all off with a bun. Emma, on the other hand, goes all out. She whips out her pink sleeveless lace dress with her matching pink lace flats and a pink bow headband. For her hair, it's straight but with curls at the bottom. They are ready to crash Mark's practice, hoping he's still on his break.

Arriving at the building, they walk in together holding hands and with phlegmatic strides. Their chins are jutted as they grin. Once they reach the studio, Emma sneaks a glance inside, holding the wall. She spots Mark still sitting down with his phone. She runs in exclaiming, "Appa!" Wendy follows her. Mark jumps up to hug Emma and whirls her around as she giggles. The members can't help but be envious of their little family.

He sets Emma down. "What are you guys doing here?" he asks as he gives Wendy a peck.

"This one wanted to see you," Wendy answers, pulling Emma gently to the front of her legs and tapping her shoulders. "As for me, not so much." She turns her face into a bored expression by looking elsewhere and thinning her lips.

Mark chuckles. His members imitate Wendy's expression and Wendy joins their group to continue the same look. He playfully glares at them.

"I want to see you guys dance!" Emma tweets.

They all nod in agreement and go to their starting positions. Wendy settles down on the ground, sitting with legs crossed and Emma on her lap. They watch Got7 execute their choreo admirably. Wendy is practically shooting heart eyes at Mark, like the way she used to when he debuted with his group. And now they're married and have a beautiful daughter.

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