Chapter 55

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"Go hide! Knowing Hendry. He'll be sneaking in." Steve growled.

"W-What!?" Ryder gasp.

"Too little, too late for that Steve," Hendry smirked making Ryder gasp.

Steve and Thunder growled deadly at him while Hendry just glares at them. He looked up seeing Ryder and smirk.

"Seem like our child growing. Not for long." Hendry said looking at Ryder.

"Don't even think that I'll let you get close to him!" Steve growled.

Hendry looked back at Steve but groan and shook his head. The remote wasn't close by yet making it easy for Hendry to gain little control. Steve and Thunder ears went up and watch Hendry wobble to the wall and he gasps when he gains little control of himself.

"S-Steve? T-Thunder?" Hendry gasp while sweating.

"Hendry." Ryder was about to run to him but Steve blocks him.

"Good b-boy..." Hendry said and groan again. 

Cat Chase manage to get inside and glare at Hendry for gaining little control so she presses the button. Hendry cried out and held his head shaking.

"S-Steve!! Protect Ryder!! W-Whatever it cost. I give you two permission to harm me." Hendry growled out and he went back to control of the device. 

Steve growled angrily while Thunder whine. Ryder had his mouth covered with tears falling but gasp when he saw the cat Chase smirking at him. She took out her net gun and fired it at Steve and Thunder who gasp and got caught in it. Steve growled angrily and tried biting on the net but yelp in pain when the net started electrocuting him. Thunder whined and cried out to his dad.

"No!!" Ryder gasp and watch as cat Chase jump off her hiding spot and looked at Hendry who was shaking and looking at Ryder.

"Moew!!" Cat Chase said.

"I-I know," Hendry said.

"RUN RYDER!!" Thunder and Steve shouted together.

Ryder gasp and ran away from Hendry and cat Chase who gasp and ran after him. Ryder looked back seeing that Hendry was catching up and the kitty was way far behind because she was holding the remote. He smiled and ran to his and Hendry's room so he and Hendry could be alone so he can use the machine. Once he did he hides inside his closet. Hendry ran inside and press the button to lock the door so he wouldn't escape.

"Show yourself, love. I can make this quick." Hendry said looking around.

Ryder swallow holding back his tears and holding tightly to the machine. Hendry looked under their bed, behind the curtains, the bathroom, and smirk when he knew the closet was the last place to check.

"Ryder come on. Get out of your hiding spot." Hendry said feeling his tears falling but didn't pay attention to it. "I'm gonna count to three then. One"

Ryder leans his head back letting his tear fall.

"Two..." Hendry said while walking to the door and grabbing the handle.

Ryder glare at the door when it opens slowly and revealing the light of the room.

"THREE!!" Both Ryder and Hendry shouted together.

Ryder lung at Hendry catching him off guard. Ryder was on top of Hendry who growled and pushed Ryder down making him drop the machine. He gasps and stood up fast grabbing the machine but gasp when Hendry grab him and pushed him onto the bed. Ryder looks at Hendry who then wraps his hands around Ryder's neck once again. Ryder's eyes started to tear up again and looked at Hendry seeing him crying too.

"P-Please...d-don't l-look at m-me..p-please!!!!!" Hendry cried squeezing his hands.

"I p-promise t-to save you." Ryder coughed making Hendry look at him confused. "I-I k-keep my p-promises!!"

Ryder presses the button to the machine and heard it beeping making Hendry look down and release his hold on Ryder's neck. Hendry closed his eyes groaning softly and started to cough then he threw up on the floor. Ryder pulled back seeing his lover puck and cough. He watches as Hendry stop and was taking deep breaths. 

"H-Hendry..." Ryder said softly.

Hendry stops breathing and shakily looked up at Ryder, releasing a sob and falling to his knees.

"R-Ryder I-I'm, Oh god...oh god...I-I'm..." Hendry cried shaking terribly and looking down at his hands. "I-I....oh god!!" 

Hendry was to badly damage to even say a word that all he managed to do was cry. He cried for the pain he causes. He cried for not being able to get free by himself. He cried cause he hurt his friends. Most importantly he cried because he almost killed the man he loves and their child.

"I'M SORRY!!!!" Hendry cried.

Ryder teared up and ran to Hendry and went to his knees and pulled Hendry in his arms holding his crying lover. Hendry was crying but he then went unconscious making Ryder gasp.

"HENDRY!!" Ryder shouted scared. 

He smiled softly seeing that he was sleeping only. Ryder then took notice of his lover conduction and laid his lover down. He had to save Steve and Thunder first. He opens the door expecting to see the cat but gasp only seeing the broken remote. He shook his head and walk to the main room with his right hand on the wall and his left on his stomach. He made it and manage to take the nets off without getting hurt. 

~City Hall~

Joshua watches as Mayor Humdinger runs away like a coward and ran to Mayor Goodway where Stacy was untying her.

"Oh, go back to the Lookout!! Mayor Humdinger sent Hendry over there!!" Mayor Goodway said worriedly.

They nod and drove back there once they check if every pup was alright. They got to the Lookout and saw Hendry's motorcycle making Stacy gasp. They ran inside and sigh in relief seeing Ryder releasing Steve and Thunder from the nets. 

"G-Guys." Ryder smiled softly but groan in pain while holding his stomach.

Stacy ran to him with Marshall behind.

"Ryder take slow breaths. You being scared is gonna harm the baby. That's right. Slow breaths. Marshall?" Stacy said looking at Marshall check.

"The baby's heartbeat is going back to normal. Whew, that was close." Marshall sighed.

"T-Thar's good to know. Now I want you to check on Hendry Marshall. He needs more help then me." Ryder said worriedly.

"Y-You set him free?" Joshua asked.

"Yes, he's in our room unconscious on the floor. He doesn't look too good." Ryder said looking at Stacy and Joshua worried.


A/N: Yaaaaayyyy my son was finally saved!!! I am in tears now TvT No more angst....maybe. TvT Hendry isn't gonna go easy on himself. Anyways hope you enjoyed.

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