Green eyes

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With a sigh, Ronald throws a glance at the clock hanging on the wall. He watches idly as the hands tick slowly, tapping his pencil against his desk.


"Agggh! I can't take this anymore!" Ronald throws the pencil angrily at the wall, "Overtime, overtime, OVERTIME!!!!"  He brings himself to his feet, glaring angrily at the stack of paperwork sitting at the corner of his desk. He hisses, pointing accusingly at the stack,"And it's all because of you." He says. Lowering his finger, he then slaps his forehead, muttering to himself, "Geez. I've lost it. I'm yelling at paper."

"Oh you've lost it a long time ago Ronnie!"  Ronald glances over his shoulder, glowering at the red-headed reaper leaning against the doorway.

"Mr. Sutcliff." He says through his teeth. The red head gasps dramatically, his green reaper eyes growing.

"Did you just call me Mr. Sutcliff Ronnie?" He asks Ronald who raises a hand to massage his forehead. The red haired reaper growls, "MR. SUTCLIFF?" He bounds over to Ronald and grins, revealing pointed teeth, "I assure you Ronnie. I am a woman." Ronald drops his hands, his eyes glued to the ceiling. There's a piece of gum up there...

"Whatever you say Grell. And don't ever call me Ronnie, even if the world is about to explode and it will save the universe." Ronald replies, trying to figure out what colour the gum is. Suddenly a great idea evolves within his mind. He turns his eyes to Grell and smiles widely, "Now can I ask you for  favor?"

"What do you want Ronnie?" Ronald clenches his fingers at the use of his nickname, but decides to let it slide. He needs to get out of this boring

"How about you do my reports for me?"

"Absolutely no-" Grell begins but Ronald quickly cuts him off, placing a hand on Grell's shoulder.

"I'll arrange a date between you and William..." He sings. Grell's eyes widen and they begin to shine.

"Oooh! Can I kiss him?" He asks eagerly. Ronald releases Grell's shoulder and waves a hand toward the stack of paper.

"Whatever you want." He says, watching as Grell squeals.

"It's a deal!" Grell takes Ronald's hand and folds his around it, shaking. Ronald grins, pulling his hand out of Grell's grip. Humming a tuneless melody, Ronald shoves his hands into his pocket, walking toward the doorway.

And I'm free...

"Miss, please be careful. Slowly, slowly, watch your step!" Amber can feel her maid squeeze her hand and she imagines the fragile bones in her wrist snapping. Keeping her other hand on the frigid banister, Amber slowly makes her way down the stairs. "Come on Miss. Amber! You're almost there!" Amber strains her eyes, hoping to see her feet but the usual darkness remains. Oh how much she wishes that she is able to see again...Her maid grabs her shoulder, stopping her. Amber pulls her face into a frown.

"Is everything okay Leona?" She asks her maid.

"Oh don't worry Miss. Amber! Just a wet spot on the floor. Let's go around." Amber allows Leona to guide her down the remaining steps, sighing with relief as her feet hits the hard tiles of the first floor.

"Where are we to go today Leona?" Amber inquires, turning in the direction she believes her maid is. She hears Leona giggle.

"Wherever you want my lady!" Amber chuckles and a parasol is shoved into her hands.

"How about the park?" Leona helps Amber out the door, and Amber can feel sunlight hit her face. Once again she squints, wishing to see light instead of black nothingness. Leona takes Amber's parasol and Amber hears the gentle whoosh as it opens. A second later, she can no longer feel the sun's rays.

"To the park it is my lady!"  

Green Eyes (Ronald Knox) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now