chapter twenty

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Damon's eyes lock with Sebastian's and he smiles, revealing his white teeth. His blue-green veins are apparent below the thin layer of skin, his eye lashes like deep ink strokes.

"Hello." Sebastian says, sending the duo a faint smile, "I do believe that Lady Amber does not belong to either of you." 

"S-Sebastian?" Amber asks hesitantly, and Sebastian can't help but notice that despite the fact that her cheeks are flushed, the rest of her face is alarmingly pale, "Is t-that you?"

"Yes milady, My Lord has sent me to save you. Tedious work if you ask me; My Lord's guests have a liking to being kidnapped, however, none has ever been taken by the likes of these two." Sebastian takes a step forward and Johnathan flies to Amber, placing the knife against the base of her neck.

"Watch where you step demon." He hisses, "Or she's dead meat." A low whimper escapes Amber's throat and Sebastian releases a slightly irritated sigh, lifting a hand to his forehead.

"Dear me, My Lord would not like that one bit." He says, regarding Amber with concern. Johnathan's grip on the knife tightens causing his knuckles to turn white, the dark, spidery veins on the back of his hand pulsing with blood.

"Watch your place demon." He says with a heavy voice, his lips curled with disgust, "Or...well, you can guess what will happen if you don't" The tip of the knife pierces Amber's skin and a bead of scarlet blood wells up before snaking down her neck. Johnathan collects a drop of blood with his finger and smiles a wide and terrible smile, "Her blood is lovely, don't you think Damon?"

"Yes Lord Johnathan." Damon replies in a deep bass voice, bowing  with the contained grace of a lion. Sebastian stares at the other demon, his hand dropping from his forehead to his thigh.

"You are a demon." Sebastian says to Damon, his ruby eyes studying the silver mask in Damon's hands, "And your 'Lord' is an angel-a fallen one to be precise. You two have a contract?" Jonathan flips his hand over, revealing a pentagram; the symbol of a contract between him and a demon. The swirling design appears inked onto his pale, porcelain skin.

"You have your contract with the Earl Phantomhive," Johnathan says, his colourless lashes grazing his cheeks as he narrows his eyes, "And I have mine."

"An angel and a demon, bound by fate. I angel's even have souls?" Sebastian inquires, watching as an angry flush rises onto Johnathan's pallid cheeks.

"Damon." Johnathan's voice is barely contained.

"Yes Lord Johnathan?"

"Get him and kill him. Make his death slow and painful."

"Yes Lord Johnathan."

"William!" Grell sings, skipping through the doorway and into the older reaper's office, "You called, darling?" William glances up from his paperwork, pushing his rectangular glasses up the bridge of his nose. Morning light streams through the window positioned behind him, his shadow falling across the room. His green eyes appear to be glowing as William frowns.

"I am not your darling Sutcliff." William says, folding his hands together on the desk. Grell pulls his lips into a pout, crossing his arms over his chest, his fingers gently skimming the rough material of his vest.

"So cruel!" The flamboyant red head leans onto William's desk sending William a flirtatious grin, the tips of his teeth gleaming like the tips of a blade, "So, what do you want?" William's form tenses slightly, his muscles contracting ever so slightly.

"There is a soul that I need you to collect in the next hour." He says, his voice holding great urgency. Grell drops his head in a quick and brief nod, his scarlet hair flying over his face. It's just one soul so why is William making a big deal out of it? Parting his hair with his fingers, Grell studies William through his red-rimmed glasses.

"Okay, so what is the problem dear?" William raises his eyes to the ceiling, his fingers slowly clenching into fists.

"The problem is that the soul belongs to a certain blind girl." Grell pulls away from William's desk. Taking a few paces back, Grell wraps his fingers around his hips.

"Are you kidding me?" With a grunt, William brings himself to his feet and stalks over to the red-head.

"I don't joke around Mr. Sutcliff; this is a serious matter." Grell sends William a side long glance, mentally admiring the man's sharply angled cheekbones and almond-shaped eyes.

"Oh William! You trust me!"

"No, I do not Mr. Sutcliff; everyone else has work to do and you are our last choice."

"Well then!" Grell turns his back to William, hearing a sigh escape the dark-haired reaper's lips, "And it's Miss. Sutcliff my sweet!"

Amber's throat burns as the blood slowly seeps through the pierced skin. She can feel droplets of crimson fluid drip down her neck, staining her golden dress.

"Get him and kill him. Make his death slow and painful." Johnathan's voice orders, sternly.

"Yes Lord Johnathan." Feet pound against the deck and there is a thud. A grunt is heard from Sebastian and Damon chuckles darkly, "Is that all you've got demon?"

"I am only getting warmed up." Sebastian replies, "It has been a while since I last fought the likes of you and your angelic 'friend.'" A crunch rings to the air and a body hits the deck. There is silence, only broken when Damon groans in pain.

"Oh this is so fun to watch." Johnathan whispers into Amber's ear. His hot breath hits her bare skin and she shudders; it reeks of blood and death; very unusual for an angel, "I wish your pretty eyes would be able to see it." A finger prods the wound on Amber's neck and she bites back a yelp, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip; she can feel blood explode in her mouth, "That hurts, doesn't it?" Johnathan asks, his voice dangerously soft, "Allow me to relieve you of your pain."

There is a sharp stinging as the knife drives into her chest, her body going limp.

The last thing she hears is Ronald calling her name...

ATTENTION: This story is not done yet! And no, Amber isn't dead; the knife hit her chest, not her heart. Please don't hate me for the cliffhanger but I promise to update soon.

T.T Poor Ronald and Amber




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