chapter three

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"Hello Sebastian. I see you have brought Miss. Amber without any trouble." A fairly young voice reaches Amber's ears.

"Of course I did." Sebastian replies, his voice sending shivers down Amber's spine, "If I were not able to assist a young lady to my master's estate, what sort of butler would I be?" The young voice scoffs silently and a small hand grips onto Amber's chin, turning her head to the side. Biting her tongue Amber squeezes her eyes shut, resisting the urge to smack away the hand.

"My name is Ciel Phantomhive." The hand releases Amber's chin and Amber peels her eyelids open, still seeing never-ending darkness, "You have met Sebastian...of course." Heels click against tiles and when Ciel speaks again his voice is farther away, bouncing jarringly off the walls, "Mey Rin will escort you during your stay, however, I must warn you that she is quite...clumsy." Amber nods mutely, feeling a pang as she thinks about a new maid. No one will ever completely replace Leona...

"And so my dear Sebastian said, 'Get away Grell, you are annoying me. Now leave before I rip your pathetic head off with that pathetic excuse you call a death scythe.'" Grell gives a toothy  grin, lifting his chainsaw death scythe over his head. Leaning his back against the spotless white wall, Ronald rolls his eyes. Grell giggles and spins in a circle, his long ruby hair cutting through the air, "Oh, how his voice makes my heart pound!" Grell sings, stopping abruptly. His hair sways, covering his face.

"Are you honestly talking about that demon Sutcliff?" A man with golden hair appears, shaking his head to reveal that the entire right side of his head is covered in brown cornrows. He studies Grell through his glasses. In one hand, he has a large saw; his death scythe.

"Eric! That demon has a name you know!" Grell says, gripping onto his chainsaw. Eric sighs and his eyes slews over to Ronald,

"I'm so sorry for you Ron." Eric says, "That you have to deal with such a man." Grell scowls.

"A lady! I am a lady!" Ronald snickers at Grell's comment and the priceless look written on Eric's face; something like a cross between horror and disbelief. Eric quickly wipes his face of any emotion, his cheeks flushing.

"Whatever you say Sutcliff." Eric mumbles. A laugh rings through the air and a sickly-looking young man with lank brown hair appears behind Eric. Ronald nods his head toward the man, awknowledging his presence.

"Hey Alan," Ronald says, pulling himself away from the wall "How 'bout you save me from these two gentlemen?"

"Lady!" Grell screeches, stomping angrily, "I am a lady! A female! A woman!"

"I think he's drunk and confused..." Eric mutters and Ronald snorts.

"Hey, at least he's wearing his suit instead of that dress." Ronald points out. Alan doubles over with laughter, his hands clutching onto his sides. Glowering,  Grell points his chainsaw at Ronald, resting the tip just below his collar bone; the room suddenly becomes silent.

"My darling Will said you seemed...flustered over a girl's maid." Grell says teasingly. The silence that follows is so tense that Ronald can feel the pressure in his ears. Eric frowns, his fingers scratching the golden hairs on his chin.

"A maid, eh?" He says,  "Was she hot?" Ronald thinks back to the lady with the bright orange hair. The image is instantly replaced by a younger girl with blonde hair and deep, blind, eyes...

"Look! He's blushing!" Grell exclaims, lowering his chainsaw, "That means he's in love! My little darling Ronnie is in love!"

"What? No! Don't call me that. And it's not Leona-"

"Her name is Leona?" Grells eyes twinkle and Ronald shoots a pleading look at Alan and Eric. Alan shrugs apologetically and Eric turns his eyes to the ceiling. Sighing, Ronald turns his gaze back to the red headed reaper.

"No," He says, feeling a sudden surge of courage that he has never experianced before, "Her name is-"

"Grell Sutcliff!" Grell jumps back, his cheeks glowing. Alan breaks into a laughing fit and Eric surpress a grin. Ronald can feel the blood rush to his cheeks and he watches as Grell leaps over to William, throwing his arms around the man's neck.

"Oh William!" Grell purrs, poking William on the cheek, "That was the most terrible timing!" William shoves Grell off him and the reaper falls onto the ground.

"The amount of people dying without warning in London is terrible." William states, prodding Grell with his hedge clippers. "I suggest you go check it out because you are familiar with the area and that...demon." Grell immediately brings himself to his feet, flashing a smile.

"Oh," He says, drawing out the syllable, "You mean my Sebas-Chan?" William frowns,

"No. I meant that disgusting demon of a butler." Grell gasps and Ronald rolls his eyes; Grell is just full of it today.

"How could you say that about my lover? Or could it be that you're," Grell prods William's shoulder, "Jealous?" Ronald isn't even a little surprised when William shoves his elbow into Grell's stomache. Grell staggers back, wheezing.

"Do not even suggest it Mr. Sutcli-"

"Miss. Sutcliff!" Grell shouts out, gripping onto his stomach. William sighs and adjusts his glasses with a gloved hand.

"Please do figure out your gender Sutcliff." William says. Eric clamps a hand to his mouth, his green reaper eyes welling up with tears. Ronald chuckles softly, stopping when he finds his thoughs drifting to her...
"Madame Red is waiting for your arrival Mr. Sutcliff." William adds, before spinning on his heels and stalking out of the room, "Do try to be on time."

"Ah! No! Watch out Miss. Amber!" Mey Rin grabs onto the girl's arm, preventing her from toppling down the stairs. Amber winces as the other girl digs her nails into her skin.

"Thank you Mey Rin." Amber says, prying Mey Rin's fingers from her arm. She can hear the other servants frantically shouting downstairs; the peppy gardener who goes by the name of Finny, and the loud cook named Bard. They sound like a good bunch once Amber got used to the high volume they tend to use. "Mey Rin?"

"Yes Miss. Amber?"

"How come everyone is so busy?" Mey Rin giggles and bumps into Amber, causing the blonde to stumble.

"So sorry Miss. Amber!" Mey Rin exclaims, helping Amber regain her balance, "But to answer your question, Ciel's aunt will be bringing in a butler for Sebastian to train." Amber furrows her brows, turining in Mey Rin's direction.

"Ciel's aunt?"

"Oh yes!" Mey Rin replies excitedly, "Everyone calls her Madame Red! She looks so pretty in that colour!"

"And the butler?" Amber inquires. Mey Rin is silent for a minute and Amber becomes sure that the clumsy maid has left.

"If I'm correct, his name is Grell Sutcliff." Mey Rin says, "And I hear that he's a sweetheart."

"Grell Sutcliff." Amber echoes slowly, allowing the name to roll off her tongue, "It's a...strange name."

"It is that, yes it is Miss. Amber!" Mey Rin says loudly; she is nothing like Leona personality-wise... Amber sighs, feeling her heart contract; she misses Leona greatly and for some reason, she feels empty on the inside...almost as if something is missing.

A knock rings through the air and Mey Rin squeals, "They're here!" Amber is dragged down the stairs, nearly falling a good dozen times. Honestly, does Mey Rin not remember that she is blind? The door opens and cool, evening air rushes inside.

"Hello Sebastian." A feminine voice says, "It is good to see you again. And may I introduce my butler, Grell Sutcliff."

See how everything ties together???? Oh how I love to write stories about these amazing characters from Black Butler!

Again, I will update soon because I am on a time limit for this T.T

In my opinion, I captured Grell perfectly! He is one of my favourite characters...

Anyways, school is almost done (YAAAAAY!) so...yeah. Awkward.

Love you all and write to you soon,
TheAngelOfMusic27 :)

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