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Jesy: Pez, you're cute, but that doesn't change the fact that you're kind of dumb.

Perrie: You think I'm cute?


Leigh-Anne: Good morning, Jadey. How are you? ❤️️

Jade: My heart hurts.

Leigh-Anne: Is it because of what happened between you and Jed? :(

Jade: No, seriously, my heart hurts. Call 999.


*At a café*

Jesy: Vanilla latte for Leigh, Mocaccino for Jade, Cappuccino for me, and orange juice for Perrie.

Perrie: *Annoyed* when are you going to treat me like an adult?

Jesy: When you start behaving like one.


Jade: Uhm, why do they keep tweeting about us?

Leigh-Anne: I don't know but if they don't stop soon, I'll let Jesy do what she wanted to do when we were robbed that horrible February night

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Leigh-Anne: I don't know but if they don't stop soon, I'll let Jesy do what she wanted to do when we were robbed that horrible February night.

Perrie: And I'll help her. #TeamPesy

Jesy: Here's the thing, ladies, those cunts keep tweeting about us because they know we're the reason people know what the BRITs is. They're using us for views, like they always have. Well, and then they're trying to get rid of their sexist image.

Jesy: Oh, and Team Pesy for the win!


Jesy: If we were men, we'd be HUGE in America already.

Leigh-Anne: We'd also be famous there if we actually were from the US.

Perrie: Well, Syco only cares about men and the US acts, so...

Jade: And that's the tea for today.


*After walking in on Jesy & Leigh having sex*

Perrie: I just want to forget.

Perrie: *Drinks apple juice straight from the box*


*Four in the morning*

Leigh-Anne: Jade, can you pick me up?

An hour later

Leigh-Anne: I don't know how it happened but I'm home now.

Jade: You teleported from the club to your bed.

Leigh-Anne: Really? 😱

Jade: Just go to sleep.


Leigh-Anne: Perrie, are you free on Saturday?

Perrie: I am, why?

Leigh-Anne: Jesy, what about you?

Jesy: I don't have any plans, either.

Leigh-Anne: Jade and I are busy so it looks like it'll be just the two of you on Saturday night! Have fun!

Perrie: Did she just do what I think she did?

Jesy: Yes, Perrie, she did.


Jade: *Sighs* I'm so hungry. We don't have any food in the fridge.

Jesy: I know what you can eat.

Leigh-Anne: *Warningly* Jesy, don't you dare.

Perrie: Me. You can eat me.

Jesy: I was gonna say she could order pizza, but Perrie's pussy works too.

Jade: *Faints*


Leigh-Anne: What that tongue do?

Perrie: *Licks her bowl of ice cream clean*

Leigh-Anne: Damn.


*Jesy talking about her dream girlfriend*

Jesy: First of all, I want her to be intelligent.

Perrie: *From a distance* how did they get the salad in the box if the box is sealed?

Jesy: Nevermind, I want that one.


*Pesy has dinner with the Edwards' for the first time*

Debbie: So, how did you two meet?

Jesy: I found her unconscious and covered in vomit in the car park behind the nightclub I work at.






Jesy: *Keeps eating*


Leigh-Anne: Excuse me, officer, but have you seen her? *Holds up a picture of Jade*

Police officer: Unfortunately, no. Is she missing?

Leigh-Anne: No, I just want to show everyone how beautiful my girlfriend is.


Leigh-Anne: I love you ❤️️

Perrie: I love me too ❤️️


Perrie: When I was a kid, I thought my toys came alive when I slept. #ToyStory

Jade: Wig, me too!

Leigh-Anne: So did I! I didn't sleep a whole night for three weeks because I was scared one of my porcelain dolls would murder me.

Jesy: Ladies, it's five in the morning. GO TO SLEEP!

Hi, so I've injured my neck quite badly. I was at the hospital today because when I woke up this morning, I couldn't move, and that freaked me the hell out. I'm in pain and I'm really not feeling well, so if I don't update in a while it's because of the neck injury :(

Hope you'll have a good day or night. Take care of yourselves ❤️️


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