Live Stremas and Reyton

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So I Agreed To Meet Up With Row At Her House At 7 and It's 6:45 So I'm Gonna Start To Head Over Now Hopefully I'm Not Late For The Live Stream Though

It's 6:45 and My Family Is Leaving They Already Know Peyton Is Coming Over And They Said It's Fine Thank God Hopefully Peyton Doesn't Mind Being Hole Alone With Me

The Door Bell Rings

Rowan- Hey Pey

Peyton- Hey Row You Ready To Set Up For The Live Stream

Rowan- Yeah Where Do You Want To Do It My Room Or The Living Room

Peyton Your Room Is Fine Did your Parents Already Leave

Rowan- Yeah 5 Minutes Ago

Peyton- Okay I Let's Go Set Up

Rowan- Alright Let's Get Started

It's About 5 Minutes After Peyton Showed Up And We Finished Setting Up Everything For The Live Stream Hopefully This All Goes Well It's Our First Time Doing It Together

Rowan- I'm Gonna Tweet Out We're Starting The Live Stream Now

Peyton- Okay

Rowan- Peyton And I Are Doing A Live Stream Send Us your Questions And We'll Try To Answer Them All Use

Peyton- RPlive Really Row Laughing While He Says It

Rowan- What I Had Nothing Else To Use As Our Hashtag So Why Not

Peyton- Okay Okay Okay Don't Get All Defensive Over There C'mon Let's Log On

Rowan- OK were In

Peyton- Hey Everybody

Rowan- Hi Guys So We're Obviously Here To Answer Your Guys Questions You Can Ask Them On Twitter Or In The Comments We'll Be Looking At Both

Peyton- Yes And On Twitter Make Sure To Use Rowan's Brilliant Hashtag RPlive By The Way I Did Not Come Up With That It Was All Rowan

Rowan- OH Shut Up You Know You Love That Hashtag

Peyton- Yeah Okay Let's Answer Some Questions From Twitter Now

Rowan- Okay

Peyton- First One Are You and Rowan dating Umm As Far As I'm Aware We're Not

Rowan- Yeah Peyton and I Are NOT Dating He's To Old For Me

When Rowan Said That We Weren't Dating and That I Was To Old It Kind Of Hurt I Though She Liked Me But I Guess It Was Just Riley Liking Lucas Not Rowan Liking Me

When I Said PEYTON Was To Old For Me It Kinda Hurt But I Mean That's Probably The Same Thing That PEYTON Is Thinking Right

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