Dear 18 Million Jacksepticeye Fans

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|| This first one isn't technically a letter to Sean, but i think its only fair that we get a little insight into how Sean died, and how it affected Signe ||


Signe looked at the wooden door that held her beloved's recording room. She had kept it locked ever since the day that his heart-line dropped flat. She clenched the key in her hand, making her way towards the door. She carefully stuck the key into the lock and turned it. Once she heard the click, she knew there was no going back. She gently pushed the door open, and this is when it hit her the hardest. He was really gone. She ran her fingers over the light-switch and flipped it on. The room still smelled like him. She closed the door behind her and sat down in his green chair. All she could do now was cry. It was no use. It's not like her crying will magically bring him back to life. That dreadful day was still there, as vivid as ever...


Sean grinned as he stood onstage, answering questions and giving everyone looks. Good looks. That was, until he saw someone in the back, pointing a gun at him. He pointed furiously at the guy with a gun, and the lights came on. Sure enough, was a guy with a pistol, pointed at Jack. Signe stood, about to try and stop him, but it was too late. The gunshot rang throughout the room, the echo terribly loud. Then, a sound of utter pain erupted from the stage. Signe's head was basically on a swivel at this point. She looked up at the stage, and she got there before anyone else - in tears - and grabbed Jack. He squinted his eyes closed, tears streaming down his face as well. She held him close, grabbing her phone to call 112.

Once Jack was in the ambulance, everyone knew it was already too late. They connected him to a heart monitor, and tried to save him. But, soon enough, the dreaded sound started playing. The 'beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep' is all she heard. She sobbed into her jeans, knowing now that nothing would ever be the same. Her life changed thanks to him, but now she was going to be alone...


"Hey guys, it's Wiishu... and I'm sorry..." She tried to blink away the tears that started forming.

"I'm so sorry to all 18 million people who are going to watch this."

"Sean William McLoughlin. Almost 6 years on YouTube." She just shook her head as she cried.

"I'm sure you all were wondering what happened when Sean just stopped posting. I did make a post about Sean dying, but nobody seemed to see it."

"Nobody else ran up to the stage by this point, so I did. I dialed 112 as I held Sean in my arms and cried. When they answered, all I could say was that 'someone has been shot at the Pax East venue, please hurry because we don't have much time left.' I didn't know they couldn't understand the gravity of the situation." She wiped her eyes. The video was going to be an hour long by now. But she didn't care.

"So, once they arrived, they ushered Sean in and hooked him up onto the heart monitor, but it was too late..." She cried even harder at the memory rushing back to her.


"Thank you guys, and I hope that we all can move on soon... Goodbye Jacksepticeye..." She told the camera, then moved to turn it off. Once it was off, she converted it to the computer. She took one of Sean's pictures from his folder and put it as the thumbnail then uploaded it.

No, she didn't edit it or anything. She just let it roll, so that people could truly see how upset this made her. Signe drew her knees to her chest with a sob as she truly realized what she said. She just said her final goodbyes to her boyfriend of a little over 2 years.

Her chest jumped as she cried. She was finally calming down, but this is when the involuntary sobs began to occur. You know, those ones that make your chest jump time after time once you've finished crying without you wanting to emit them? They are always there when you are done crying. The drying tears clung to her check and her eyelids as she stood from the chair and turned everything off. She was determined to never enter this room again unless it was completely necessary. She tried to grab the key from the table, but it fell from her hands and went under his recording table. A sigh flew from her lips as she bent down to grab the key, but also grabbed what seemed to be an... envelope?

'My Dearest Signe'  read the front of the envelope. She put her hand over her gaping mouth. He had left her a note? But, why? And when was he to give it to her? She did turn and lock the door again, but she then ran to the kitchen table and carefully opened the letter.

'Dear Signe,

Hey love! So, its been almost 3 years of us being a couple, and i just wanted to give you more than a simple "I Love You', even though I don't say it enough.

Things have been pretty hectic, what with us moving and things. But, I suppose I should thank you for sticking around so long. It's been pretty tough ever since I moved from Ireland, and you always know just what to say.

Signe Hansen, the moon to my sun. The shine to my star. The chocolates to my box. I love you so so much, and I feel like now is better than never.

Will You Marry Me?

Love, Sean <3'

Signe brought a shaking hand up to her mouth. Did he really...

She moved her hands back to the letter and slammed it down on the kitchen table before tearing open the envelope the letter came in. Before she could even register what just happened, a beautiful golden band with engravings to look like vines and a dazzling green emerald in place of the diamond was in the middle of her left palm.

I Wiishu Were Here . . . (A Septiishu Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now