Dear 436 Thousand Wiishu Fans

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Signe stayed rolled up in the duvet, his scent still lingering. She didn't want to get up today, not at all. She didn't want to get up ever again. She felt like a zombie now without him. He always kept her lively at times like this, but now she was dragging on like a zombie, dying for anything it could devour for strength. It may sound melodramatic, but she felt dead without Sean around. The one day she had been dreading had to be so close. In fact, it was so close that it was today. Happy Valentines Day everyone... Signe sat up in her bed, her eyes still a little swollen from her crying last night. She went into the hallway, opening a closet, grabbed a rag, and doused it in cold water, laying back on the bed. Carefully, she placed the cold rag over her eyes, so that the swelling would go down before she had to film.

Now, in her 'Misery Is All The Rage' sweater, ripped jeans, and her slip on shoes, it was time. She sat in the chair she used to record in, and just breathed out. She had done it yesterday, she can do it again. She pressed the record button and flopped down in her seat. Sighing as she raised her hand.

"Hey guys, its Wiishu. And, if you saw on Sean's channel, he died. I know, its a little sudden, but it you wanna find out how, go watch the video, its in the description below. But, right here and now... i'll be telling you all where this ring came from." She raised her hand to show off her engagement ring from Sean. She had said in her letter to him that she would let the questions go unanswered, but people were going to go crazy.

"After i filmed the video and put it on Sean's channel, i dropped the key to his room under his desk. When i reached down to grab it, there was an envelope. It basically was just him thanking me, and then he asked me to marry him. It was so heartbreaking to find that with him being dead now. But, i still will wear the ring. No matter if he is alive, or if he is dead, he is still my everything. I bet you all are waiting for that one line that everyone says." She put on her best Valley Girl voice.

"Oh, he wasn't my everything 'til we were nothing. but now that he's gone my heart is missing something, so its time i push my pride away, because he is my everything." She rolled her eyes.

"That's not me. Fuck no. Ever since i started talking to him on Tumblr, i knew he would play an important role in my life." She sighed, placing her head in her hands.

"This is pointless... none of you care about how i'm feeling. You all came here for Sean, but now that he's gone, and its just me, none of you will care. You all will move on and go watch Amy, or Marzia. What if Mark died, huh? Would you still watch Amy's videos? Would any of you even care about Marzia? Probably not. Because in Sean's story, i was just a side character. Amy is just a background character in Marks story. Marzia has been here the longest, so she is a very important side character. But me and Amy? We're new. None of you would care if we both just disappeared. You would just shrug it off and continue watching Mark and Jack. But guess what? You're stuck with me, and if you don't like that? well, sucks to be you. Sean has always been my anchor. I know SO many of  you hated me, but maybe take a step back, take some time. I'm actually pretty nice once you look at it from another angle." A sigh left her lips again as she decided to end the video now.

"Well, thank you guys for watching. Bye." She stopped her recording and began to edit it. What was there to edit out? It was going to be a 20 minute video without editing. She just put up a thumbnail of her and Sean, and then named it something meaningful. Would people watch it? Probably not. But, there was still the hope that a few would.

Signe ran her fingers through her hair in the mirror. Even after a full face of makeup, she couldn't bear to leave the house and go visit Felix. She slammed her hands down on the bathroom counter and just screamed. Her phone, that was held in her hands, began to buzz as Felix called her. She threw it against the wall, it smashing to pieces.

"Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head! Get out of my head!" She kept yelling that to her bathroom door, until her voice was caught in her throat and she began to sob into her palms. Who cares if she sounded like a lunatic, she missed him too much to care.

The front door soon swung open, and there stood was Felix and Marzia. She was been screaming and not answering calls for longer than it seemed it was 1 AM. She curled into a ball and cried again, Felix soon coming into vision, and began to console her.

"Hey, calm down, its okay. I'm here for you Signe... Just calm down." He held the disheveled Signe in his arms, gently rubbing her back as he talked to her.

"So, you had a vision? What did you see?" Signe held her cup of tea close to her body.

"Sean was- he was- he was alive... and was breaking up with me..." It hurt to say those words out loud. She never thought Sean and her would end it all, but I guess death does a toll of you? She shook her head, crying into her palms once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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