Letter #1

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Dear Seán,

Its officially been a week since you got shot on stage. I still can't get you out of my head. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see are your beautiful oceans. How do I move on from you when you were my everything? You still are my everything. If only I could bring you back from the dead. I'd do anything to have you back. I'd sell my soul to the devil if it meant that you'd come back. I'd trade my life for yours. You didn't deserve to die. It's so not fair...

So, about that letter you left for me, about the marriage... my answer is yes. Of course I'll marry you. I love everything about you. I'm even wearing the ring you got me as I'm writing this. You'll never see these, of course. They'll be going in this box I have that'll be labeled 'To Sean' in the closet we used to share. Your clothes are still in it, of course. I should throw them out, but it hasn't been long enough. I can't bring myself to do it, and I'm sorry about that. I really am... so sorry...

When I imagined you proposing, I didn't think you be doing it from six feet under. Or, well, from your grave. We haven't even buried you yet. But, I will be paying for everything. Your family was so dumbfounded when they found out you were dead. They barely had anything. So, I scraped up enough to pay for your funeral, which will be beautiful. My family, your family, and a couple of close friends we had will be flying down... I just wish things could have been different for us Sean... I wish you were here, down on one knee...

Oh Sean, so much has happened. Hell, its fucking Valentines Day and I have to do what, tell everyone that you died? The ring will arise questions, but they will go unanswered. I will remain the rest of my days as a widow. I know you never want people to be hung up on you, but you were truly my everything, and now you're just gone? How had things gone so wrong in such a short amount of time? I know, I shouldn't be hung up and I should move on, but... you were the only one who stuck around...

My Dearest Sean...

I've loved you for many years, but maybe the world just wants to punish me for everything I haven't done. Maybe they took you away so that I'd finally focus on my life goals. My YouTube, and things like that. But god, I Wiishu were here... Sean, you will forever be in my heart, and I will still write you letters if need be. I love you so much, and you'll never be able to comprehend it. Even in the afterlife, it's too much to comprehend.

You are my first, my last, and my everything.

Love, Signe

I Wiishu Were Here . . . (A Septiishu Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now