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I CLOSE THE door to my apartment, tired and sad. my work has been making me stressed, which has made me and david's relationship difficult. we have barley talked bc i have had no time and i'm way too busy to hangout with him.

i know this makes him upset, and trust me, it makes me upset too, but i don't think he understands my struggle at the moment.

i flop on my couch, with all my energy drained from my system. my eyes are just about to close, but i get interrupted with a loud knock on my door. i glance at the clock quickly before answering the door.


i cautiously open the door and david stands there with tear-stained eyes. my face softens as i try to embrace him in a hug, but instead he pushes me back.
"what?" i ask confused.
"liza do you not care anymore?"
"what do you mean?" i ask as he shuts the door behind him and steps into my apartment.
"do you not care about me? our relationship? our love?"
"what the hell david of course i do."
"well why don't you show it."
"i'm busy david. you know that."
"liza you don't understand! i've been calling and texting you for support. you haven't answered in two days." he says raising his voice.
"wait. calling for support on what?"
"see liza if you cared, you would know." he says stubbornly and walks off into my room.
"what are you doing?" i say raising my voice.
"taking my stuff back. liza we need a break. and you need to get control of whatever is going on in your life. get your priorities straight. pay attention." david yells.
"why can't we talk about this first!"
"liza! can't you see? i've tried! but i needed support and your help but you weren't there for me. i was left alone in my room."
"support for what david! i can't help you if you don't fucking tell me!" i tell at him angerly. he throws his backpack of clothes over his shoulder and scoffs at me.
"maybe listen to me sometimes. or check your god damn phone instead of ignoring me." he says and shoves my shoulder with his while walking out of my door.

i'm left standing there stunned at the recent events. i run over to my phone to check it and i unlock it quickly. i read the messeges he sent.

d:i need to talk
d:please liza
d:i need your help
d:liza answer your phone please

then i click onto the voicemails.

"liza. please answer your phone. i really need you right now. i need you to hold me please. my g-great grandma just died liza. please answer."

i drop my phone out of my hands due to the shock. he was very close with his grandma.

why am i so dumb.

why didn't i answer.

why am i so bad at relationships.

why did i let myself lose david.

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