chapter 2. Detention and Knives (Reese pov)

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"Jake what time is it?!" i asked my best friend. "Sorry i lost my watch yesterday. We should stop by Seven-eleven and check the time. We could also grab a couple drinks too." Jake replied. Both me and Jake grabbed our skateboards and headed to seven-eleven. On our way I couldnt help but stare at how Jakes black eyes turned a shade of brown as it caught the sun. Or how his curly hair looked like a tumble of weeds. Stop, boys are only your friends. Nothing more I told myself.

Once we entered the store the clerk looked up at us in suprise. "Isn't today the first day of school? What are you kids doing out here?" the clerk scolded us with a stern look on his face. I rolled my eyes at Jake. Of course today was the first day of school and obviously we are skipping the first half and coming back at lunch so nobody notices. Casually i slided my headphones onto my blue-black hair as if i didn't hear the clerk. Jake did the same and pulled his black hoodie over his head.

As we went to get our Peace tea drinks ( i chose the caddy shack one) the clerk asked once again "Why arent you at school its 11:30." Jake sighed and nonchalantly replied "Why would that be of your business?" The clerk glared back at us like we were little mice. Shrugging I laid the money in front of the clerk and left the convenience store before the clerk could say anything else.

As soon as we stepped out of the store the clerk came storming out with a phone in his hand. Jake and I exchanged a worried look.

Normally people woudnt care if they saw a couple of teens skatebaording and skipping school. Or they would be scared cause honestly not every girl dresses in ripped black skinny jeans, adventure time T-shirts and carries a skateboard around with her. But apparently this clerk wouldn't get out of our shit.

The clerk raging with anger sternly admonished "If you dont go back too school right this second, I'll have no choice but to call the cops on you." Immediately Jakes eyebrows furrowed and a little gasp escaped my throat.

There was a strange glare off battle with Jake and the clerk. It was quite obvious that the clerk was losing. With Jake standing 5 foot 10, I didn't blame the clerk since Jake was litterally staring down the clerk. After a few more seconds of awkard glaring I didn't feel like wasting my time on some stupid clerk. "Whatever Jake, lets not waste our time on this shit." Jake nodded in reply. grabbing our skateboards we left quickly.

Turning back the clerk was standing in disbelief. Smirking I stuck out my tongue for a little rebellious effect. "Dude, that was the first time a clerk confronted us. He's not going to call the cops anyways." I told Jake while laughing on how pathetic the clerk was. I turned towards Jake waiting for a reply. Instead Jake groaned. "What?" i asked with curiosity. "That little gay asshole clerk is calling the cops." he replied with annoyance in his voice. "Shit. We better go somewhere and hide." I quickly said. Winking Jake with a salute.

Riding one our skateboards we quickly skated towards an abandoned ware house. The feeling of running away on a skate board was amazing. The wind was blowing in my black hair causing my bangs to flip back. From a distance we could hear police sirens blaring. Picking up the pace we arrived at the ware house.

As soon has we arrived we ran inside and doubled over laughing onto the ground. "They will never find our little asses!" Jake exlaimed while laughing on the wooden floor. I laughed as if i was on the top of the world.

After laughing so much our stomachs ached, there was a moment of silence. Lying down on the old rusty wooden floor Jake turned his head toward me. His face wore a worried expression.

"Are you okay?" i asked, he was rarely sad. "Reese, im sorry. I've been keeping secrets from you." he replied with a edge of regret in his voice. I quickly ran through alot of possibilities on why Jake would be sorry. I mean, he's popular, extremely hot and good looking and all the girls and boys love him. It wasnt him that decided to be popular, he hates popularity. It was the students that made him popular. He made a choice to hang out with loser like me when he could've been popular. Well he still is.

"Jake what on earth could you my un-related brother be sorry for?!" i asked with a wild smile on my face. Deep inside though my heart was beating like a mocking birds. Jake rarely got serious and when he did it meant he had some shit.

"You know how I told you that I dont really care for popularity and that all the popular girls that try to get me are fake bitches." he paused for a second while i waited in aniticipation. "Well…this new girl moved in next door to us and shes Japanese-American. Last night we were just talking and i figured out she already made best friends with Mia Maddi and Linda (A.K.A the most populaur basic bitches girls at school)." he paused running his hand through his hair. My heart sped up faster, both of us made a vow never to date a BB. Hopefully nothing like that happened.

I motioned my hand for him to keep talking. "So, later she asked me out...and I said yes." Jake said quickly. Instantly my heart dropped to my stomach. Jakes.Dating.A.basicbitch. I coudnt say anything for the moment. I was in such shock. What on earth could he see in any of those cold hearted fake girls.

Turning my body to face towards him i held his eye for a long time. I felt like our friendship was ruined. He knew that the BB's were the ones the bullied me calling me a slut, whore and hoe for hanging out with boys. Yet, he still said yes.

Slowly, grabbing my skatebord I got up and ran out of the ware house without turning back. Traitor, I thought.

Suddenly I bumped into a person. Looking up I noticed that it was a cop. At the moment I didnt really give a fuck due to the recent stab in the heart I'd taken. "Get yourself in the car. Im taking you to the school." the cop growled at me. I trudged into the police car as they brought Jake out and put him in the seat next to me.

Once we arrived at the school I headed my own way to the principal's office. The principal scolded "Late like always. Im not suprised go to detention in room 13. You'll be cleaning gum under the desk with other students."

Nodding my head I headed to the classroom. Behind me I could hear Jake following behind me to the classroom. By the way he dragged his skateboard i could tell he was sad. But who the fuck cares anymore.

Inside the detention room only four other kids sat. Surprisingly only one of them was a boy and the three other were girls. I took my seat in the back of the classroom avoiding Jake as much as possible.

Rolling my eyes i noticed Jake took the seat next to an asian\white looking girl. She wore a indigo mini skirt with a white silk blouse. Obviously she was jakes new girlfriend and she definitely was a bb. Honestly only wannabes and bb's dress like school was a model runway. Her face had a petite straight nose and small lips, her eyes were like pools of ink. She had her long legs crossed and her brown hair tied into a high pony tail. Her lips were so glossed that you could praticly see your own reflection. I shot multiple death glares at her ass.

The teacher called out each and everybodys name and asked why they got detention. First was the bitchy girl apperently her name is lea and she got in trouble for texting in class. How can someone be so dumb they cant even text secretly in class.

Next, the teacher called out Angelina. Angelina had long blond hair that was in a tangled mess in her hair. She had on a Green-day t-shirt on and a long sleeved hoodie on. I wonder why she would since its only early september. When I looked up to her face I noticed a big bruise on her cheek. Otherwise she had high cheek bones and big blue eyes. Im guessing she could've been popular but she just seems so weak and insecure.

Next the teacher called on me and jake. After that the boy behind me.

Today detention would be boring I could tell. The way Lea was flirting with Jake and how Jake flirted back. The lonely and depressed way Angelina made me feel was umcomfortable. The kid behind me i dont know who the hell he is. Rolling my eyes I started drawing sketches of the people around me, well boring people that is.

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