There's bitches and basic bitches but someday I'll be queen bitch

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Lea's P.O.V

I scooted closer to Jake as I batted my eyelashes flirtatiously. I could tell the other students in the room were glaring at me with hate. Wait, more like jealousy. I mean, who on earth woudnt be jealous of me?! I have a perfect ski slope nose, big black eyes, glossy full lips, shining glory brown hair and a killer body. Obviously, in other words, I am a perfect bitch... and I'm proud.

I laced my fingers with Jake's and rested my head on his shoulder. "Jake... you are the best boyfriend I've ever had." I said soothingly, winking. The teacher coughed, muttering something about young love and how dumb it was. Jake did his adorable hair flip and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. My heart did a quick flutter.

Turning myself to face Jake again, I realized he was staring at another girl. I ransacked my brain for her name from attendance. Ah, Reese. What a lame boy name, but she looks transgender anyways, so, duh, I should expect that.

But still, my boyfriend shoudnt be staring at some shit transgender girl. I checked her out, starting from her face. She had a straight, long, frail-looking nose that was dotted with freckles. Her hair was spikey amd blue-black. Her lips were thin, and her eyes were just a plain black. She was dressed in an adventure time tee-shirt (who the hell still wears that?!) and had ripped black skinny jeans on. I looked back at her face just to see her glaring at me. She must be another jealous girl. I smirked at her and swung my ponytail, planting another kiss on Jake's cheek. From the corner of my eye, I could see her flinch. Whatever.

Taking my hand out of Jake's, I took out my phone and slid it under the desk. Quickly typing with my newly done pink rose nails, I pull up a twitter message.

Ermegersh. Just saw transgender girl wearing an adventure time tee-shirt. like, 1000 gossip points for EWWWWW!!!

I giggled slightly when it uploaded. Immediately, Mia replied first.


Ur kidding me??!! Arent those like so fith grade rated?! You might as well label a big L on her forehead! Everybody knows L is for loser! Seriously... ewwww im scarred for life! Nice work my bitch @_leaa add her onto our LOSER radar!

I smiled wider, getting compliments from Mia, the ultimate queen bitch, was like getting the latest issue of Teen Vogue before anyone else. One day, I'm gonna overthrow that bitch. Honestly, I'm hella better than her shit. I don't care if Mia is a blond bitch cheerleader, and I'm not. I can do hella better and I know it.

Suddenly, I recieved a text on my group chat with Mia, Maddi, Linda and me.

Mia- Bitches get ur asses on here!! Math is hella boringgg! Ik yall r on twitter. Don't make me bored cuz u know I'll spread u bitches shit every on every social page.

Overreact much?

Maddi- sorry but hon imright nxt to u!

Mia- WATEVER IDC. R U REALLY THAT DUMB U DONT KNOW THAT IF U TALK TO ME YOULL GET IN TROUBLE? sweety sorreh but since when were brunnettes dumb?

Maddi- Says the slutty blond

Go girl! Maybe when I overthrow this bitch, you can rise a few rungs on the social ladder.

Mia- dafuq woman! I've only lost my virginty to five guys! That's not slutty AT ALL.

Maddi- q baby bump shows right through ur cheerleader uniform.

Theres a couple things you have to know about maddi.

Maddi: sharp nose, typical strong body,godly like tan skin, bright green eyes Curly brown hair.

Hobbies-Ski, soccer, ice hocky, basketball,

Character- a bit modest. only had three boy friends. STILL hasnt made out with somone. virgin. sweet nice girl of us bitches.

Why shes in our clique-shes pretty hot but not bitch material. According to Mia shes only kept so that our clique doesnt look weak.

Overall Maddi wasnt that bad of a girl. Shes basiccly the lowest in our clique.

Mia-Wtf are u talking about. sweety no need to be jelous that i have soft slender body and ur is just rock hard shit.

Linda-woahh ladies chillaxxxx. i just dumped ryan hes urs now Mia. take a swing at him

Mia-wateverrrr i d

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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