♡~Fresh X Pj~♡

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Hi everyone, this is a Fresh X Pj mini fanfic. I don't know what to call this, it's kinda a lemon but fluff, cos they kiss deeply and get sexual but they don't have sex soo...yea. Also I'm lazy so I won't do P.O.V's.
Fresh= normal font, PJ = underlined. Anyway, enjoy!😁

Saturday 2:30 pm

Fresh looked at himself in the mirror with a frustrated look, he sighed, how was he gonna confess to jammy face to face when he can't even do it to a mirror! He meandered to around the room with his head in his sweaty palms.

"Ughhhhh, how am I ever going to tell jammy how I really feel, I can't even say three words at my reflection in a blasted mirror!😡"

Fresh slumped on his bed and pulled out his phone, the second he did this his phone bleeped, a new message, from pj?! Fresh blushed and quickly opened the message. It read: 'hi fresh, I'm going to the park at 3pm wanna come, I made sausage sandwiches!😛'.
Fresh blushed harder and mentally screamed with an adrenaline rush.

'Omg omg omg! An afternoon picnic with Jammy!! This is best chance I'm ever gonna get to tell him my radical feelings!'

Fresh immediately put on some casuals and his glasses. Then the anxiety seeped into his mind. He hadn't even planned this out! What if he got rejected and jammy wouldn't talk to him again! What if he gets to stressed and runs away! And what if he faints!
His heart began pumping faster and faster at the thought, then he realised, I etc hadn't even texted pj back. In a panic, he grabbed his phone and started typing frantically,  he was sweaty and shakey.  It was hard to type but he managed to send a message back saying yeah he would be there soon.

"Ok...ok, calm down Fresh, it's just a nice picnic, you've replied an accepting text and you can't turn back...Maybe I should get him some flowers, that would be nice!"

Fresh smiled and walked out the house. He looked around and a rose bush caught his eye, it consisted of red, pink and white roses, they all looked beautiful, but then he noticed a sparkling blue rose lying the side of the bush. Amazed at its beauty, he picked it up and placed it carefully in his jacket pocket.
15 minutes later....

Fresh stopped at a sign saying, echo-park, and it truly meant it's name, Fresh looked all across the park feild to find hundreds of small clusters of echo flowers. It was strange as the echo flowers were growing on normal grass, perhaps they had adapted to the grass.

"Heh, nice park...now where is Pj?"

Fresh' eyes scoped the landscape when he heard a sweet voice call his name. Could it be? Jammy? He turned to find  Pj jogging up to him, a smile reached from one side of his face to the other, and his cheeks were splashed with a deep pink blush.

"Mr. Fresh! Oh thank goodness you came, I didn't know if you were going to come but I brought sandwiches anyway!"

Oh wow...he is so much more adorable when he is blushing."Heya Jammy! That's nice of you to bring food, it's a nice park isn't it?"

"It is a lovey park, I didn't know which one you would go to so I gr the other parks but I'm lucky I found you"

Fresh smiled nervously and scratched head. PJ laughed it off and grabbed his hand, pulling across the feild to a nice spot and slumped down on the grass. As Fresh hit the ground he made a small shreik in surprise, but that wasn't the only surprise, when he opened his eyes he realised his glasses had fallen off, he panicked but found them and quickly placed them back on his nose.

"AHH! S-sorry about t-that j-jammy-"

Fresh stopped his sentence to a frozen jammy. PJ blushed and looked at him with awe of his accident. Fresh waved his hand in front of pj's eyes, pj quickly snapped out of it and blinked a couple of times before talking.

"Oh my goodness Mr.Fresh!!!! Your eyes are absolutely stunning!! You should take your glasses off more often!"

"Ahaha! Thanks jammy, there not that great eheh!"

Fresh closed his eyes and smiled, laughing nervously to his embarrassment, however, jammy did not think the same.

(Time skip- they basically ate the food and talked about stuff oh and he also gave him the rose)

Fresh and pj had been talking for a while and it was now 4:45 pm. They both sat in the breeze staring at the early sunset, Fresh looked at jammy and frowned, he looked away and knew he would have to confess now or never. After deciding on what to do, took a deep breath and puffed out his chest(?). He took of his glasses and caught jammies attention at the sudden movement. Fresh looked pj deep in the eyes and blushed.

" J-jammy,  t-theres something I-im portent I need to tell y-you"

" Oh ok, what is it?"

Dammit! Now he looks really interested, oh god...what am I gonna do!!!! "Ok...here goes nothing...j-jammy... I just w-wanted to say t-that i-i l-l-love....Y-you..."

Fresh clenched his eyes shut, hoping for an answer, but to his surprise pj didn't say anything, instead, he was welcomed by a warm and loving hug. Speechless, Fresh opened his eyes and found jammy buried in his jacket, he blushed and mentally fainted.

Noticing his sudden stiffness, jammy looked up with heart eyes to see Fresh with dizzy eyes and a completely pink face, he chuckled and kissed him on the lips (?). To Fresh' surprise, the kiss calmed him down and brought him back to reality. He loosened up and accepted the kiss. The two skeles were now passionately kissing in a beautiful feild of echo flowers.

"...I love you to Mr.Fresh...how bout' we take this somewhere else, it's getting chilly"

Without answering, Fresh smirked and teleported them both to his sofa where the continued to kiss. The kissing soon progressed to neck nibbling and then humping.

After about 30 minutes, they both passed out on the sofa, pj cuddled up to Fresh and they interlocked their hands.

Fin~ thank you guys for checking out this mini fanfic, but this will not be the last, I am still working on some more, but hopefully you enjoyed this one and I will see you next time!😁

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