this is a collection of mini sanscest shorts, most of these will be lemon but some may not. if you enjoy these stories, please comment on what other stories I should do as I enjoy your thoughts suggestions. Anyway, this booklet contains:
Blue X Dust...
Yes, this is another mini fanfic, wow😐, sorry Ihaven't updated in a while, I forgot, but anyway here ya go ya dirty sinners😊(this is lemon btw) Melon= normal font and Sugar= underlined.
Typical, just typical, prom was just 5 days away and Melon hadn't even asked anyone out. There was only one person his heart belonged to and that was Sugar. He had loved sugar since their eyes met, and the more time they spent with eachother their bond had grown, a lot...Although Melon loved him with all of his heart, he lacked the confidence to share his feelings. Anyway, he needed to tell him, he couldn't leave it to late or he would just chicken out completely. So Melon organised a sleepover with Sugar for a few nights before prom. It was now the day of the sleepover and Melon waited outside of sugars house. After a few minutes, the door opened to a badly balanced sugar, who was strugglingwith his shoe. After he was done, he gripped his stuff and walked out the door.
" h-hey Sugar! Ready to go?"
" yep I'm ready! Oh! BYE DAD AND BYE POPS!! SEE YA SOON! OK let's go!"
2 minutes later~
" so Melon, what should we do tonight? I brought some board games so maybe we could do those if you wanted?
"Oh uh...I'm not a big fan of board games, but how's about we just go with the flow?"
Sugar nodded in agreement and he suddenly held melons hand. He was surprised by this and blushed deeply, but he accepted the action and they both grew used to it.
It had been 8 minutes before they finally got to Melons place. He opened the door and slumped his shoes on the mat and sugar followed. As they both headed towards the stairs Melon waved him first, in which made sugar blush and giggle.
"You first m'lady~"
"Haha! Oh stop it Melon, Your to kind!
Sugar Said in a rather posh accent, Melon laughed and they eventually got to his bedroom. Once they had both entered, sugar plopped himself on the bed and sat back, causing Melon to so the same.
" so...uh, what'dyou wanna do then?"
"Hmm, Idon't know, we could play some video games?"
"Ok then, what games do you wanna play, I got, minecraft, Mario kart, um, uncharted, and uh Lara Croft"
"How's about...Mario Kart!"
"Ok! Let's do this!!"
Melon put in the game and gave Sugar one controller. They played for about...2 hours.
It was now 8pm and the two skeles were both getting pretty tired quite early, it must have been staring at that screen for 2 hours. Anyway, as Melon put down the controllers, Sugar decided to get changed into his pj's(haha! Get it!😂), which were a blue tank top, with white shorts covered in small patterns and a small pink bow:
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