Sweeping Riptide

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Your mom was pretty calm about finding a girl in her son's bedroom. It didn't ease me at all because that meant that you had either had other girls over or that she knew you were a play boy.

I was trying to get out of bed when she found me. I had been struggling to release myself from your tight grasp which was like a coil around my waist. Just when I got free and thought I had a chance your mom walked in to wake you up. Luckily I had thrown on one of your sweaters which were quite large on me. She'd greeted me and asked how I had slept and I had replied, "I barely slept and I'm kind of in pain."

I didn't know why I had told her but your mom had an air of trust around her, as if you could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge you. She had softly chuckled at my response before saying, "don't worry it's normal, I'll give you some Advil when you come down for breakfast." She also asked me to wake you and had requested that we not be late for school because she wouldn't be the one to answer about where we were. After that she left the room and I decided to take a quick shower to ease my body. After my shower I came out to find that you had curled up around the pillow I was sleeping on and you looked so cute it was kind of painful to wake you up.

On the bed your mom had placed folded clothes for me to wear. I didn't know if I should be appreciative or I should be skeptical about the size of the clothes. I didn't linger on the thought for long before I had put on the clothes. They fit me well and it had me wondering if another one of your flings had forgotten them here and the comfy size fit was astounding, it made me feel like all the other girls were the same size and I was just one more to your collection. I cleared my mind of that thought as I sat on the edge of the bed and put on my sneakers. I looked over my shoulder at your sleeping form and I'd made a mental picture before I stood to wake you up.

I hovered above you as I shook your shoulder lightly. Like a drop of milk in black coffee, you just stirred and you sprawled out your limbs. I shook you again and this time your eyes fluttered open. There in your eyes lay a galaxy of stars and they seemed to burst to life as you looked up at me. A drop of water from my hair dropped onto your face as you smiled up at me. You had pulled me on top of you and kissed me like there was no saying goodbye. Your lips were soft and tasted a bit like me. I detached my lips from yours but you had a firm grip on my waist.

You were completely bare underneath me as you pushed your excited member against my still delicate clit through my clothes. I gripped onto your shoulders and forced my mouth shut as my eyes fluttered closed. "We have school today," I said as a way for you to let me go, but you weren't budging. "So?" You asked as your lips began trailing kisses from my collarbone up to my lips. You didn't say anything before you devoured my lips like a hungry man as you moved your hips against mine and I softly whimpered from the anticipation building in my core. When we broke away I jumped off of you so this couldn't continue but I wish I hadn't been so rash. Jumping off left you stack naked with your dick standing up straight in the air. "Get up," I said as I went into the bathroom to find something to tie my hair with.

You came in, still very hard, groaning about how uncomfortable it was. Most of your body was visible in the mirror and the blush that coated my cheeks was undeniable. You move swiftly and the sound of running water was heard before I came to my senses- I'd been starring the whole time. In my moment of embarrassment I rushed out of your room and headed to the kitchen.

Your mom stood at the stove and I smiled at her. "Oh, the clothes fit! Those were mine way before I had children," she said as I stood by the island observing her. "May I help with anything?" I had asked and she'd point to a cupboard and told me to set up the table. "But first here's some Advil," she said as she handed a pill and water to me. I took it with a thanks before I went the cupboard which I unfortunately couldn't reach. A firm body pressed against my struggling self and reached the cupboard easily before handing me the plates. You, smiled.

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