Chapter 9

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•Chapter Nine•

"Ugh, we are in California with nothing to do." I complained.

"I know, right?" Makayla agreed, locking her phone. "All the boys are gone, having the time of their lives."

"That's not even fair." Malia crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hey, we should go out and explore Las Angeles." Jennifer suggested, also locking her phone.

"What would we do?" I asked her, getting into her idea.

"We could go to Starbucks." Makayla suggested. "I really need a Frap." We all laughed.

"Umm...we could do that then we could go somewhere fun." Malia said, putting her thinking face on.

"We could go shopping at that famous mall." I suggested, going into Brooks' and my room.

"Yeah, let's do that." They all said in sync.

"Then, girls, her ready." I made a 'duh' face. They all rolled their eyes and went to their rooms.


"Don't you think this is cute?" Malia held up a shirt that said "Taken".

"Yeah, it's cute. You should add 'by Jai'." I said, laughing.

"Yeah, I should do that." Malia put it over her arm and continued looking. I felt my phone vibrate so I answered it.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Malaycia, where Are you guys?" Luke asked into the phone. Awe, his perfect Australian accent.

"The girls and I are at the mall." I answered.

"Okay, the boys and I will be there in a few."

"What about the fans?" I asked him.

"I'm sure we are fine." And with that he hung up.

"The boys are going to be here soon." I said to my friends.

"What about the fans?" Makayla asked me, looking through some clothes.

"Luke said they'll be fine." I shrugged, going back to the clothes I was looking through.


"Brooks, do you think this is cute?" I asked him, holding up a sweater with the words 'Hollister' on it.

"Its really cute, I could already imagine it on you." He walked over to me, giving me a big hug.

We only ran into 5 fans. So, that's actually better than about 100 or 1000.

"Thanks hottie." I smiled up at him and gave him a peck on the nose.

"Welcome cutie." He gave me a peck on the cheek.

And that's when I knew, I chose the right boyfriend.

{Updated Malaycia!!! Now you update yours!!! Next update will be tomorrow!!! Promise!!!}

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