had them tied round ma finger

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jaden pov

 cant believe she just took on ray and prod and beat them both!dear lord if u can hear me now i need you to at least knock some more air into ma lungs cos i am breathless

prod pov

i cant believe she took me on and she won the fight!that was embarrassing!!and in front of the guys in our whole group no one has ever beaten me before and this average girl with fire and wind power comes and takes the stage no!she needs to go!i don't care how.....wait doesn't drake want her i just found a very delicious way of getting rid of a small fire ant>:)

ray pov

man!i cant believe she won the fight with the whole pack she mustve gotten pissed because i just got ma ass kicked to the curb!i mean i couldn't breathe then everything went black then i saw orange i guess that's how isi saved me from dying wow!gr8 now i cant hit it cos if i try to touch she might kill me

roc pov

wow!my back is still hurting me I'm gonna get her back 

yes there's a pool and isi is still here


priceton pov

i think i am still in shock

isi pov 

after the fight with mateo.guess who won?!

well it was mateo SUCKERS!I WON THIS SHIT? this is how it went

mateo-ill go easy on u chi-ca

me-don't hold back

i smirked to him and pounced on him, i had a fireball ready in my hands so all i had to do was hit him but this ain't dangerous fire!this was something i use for play"the safety flame" but when I'm angry i use "medium range" but when i am pissed i use "the blue thunder"its basically blue fire. my emotions control ma power and now i was feeling happy so it was the safety flame. he dodged the hit and morphed into a wolf. and lunged at me but i swerved and when he jumped he pushed me with his hind leg. i did a back flip ad landed in a splits and when he jumped at me i front flipped up and glided and while he was confused i hit on his but with medium range and he howled with despair then i knocked him out 

moises came from behind he knocked me off my feet then i did a front flip and landed on his back and sqeezed the spot behind his ear and he fell asleep on the spot!i laughed and jumped off him

everyone came up to me and roc put me on his shoulders and chanted"isi is the champion" everyone apart from prod cheered i guess he's steaming off since i kicked his ass ima have some fun with dis

me-yo prod y u over there.......doin the duck face

everyone-bursts out laughing and looks over to see him...DOIN THE DUCK FACE!!!!!

we couldnt stop laughing for like 30mins then roc decieded that we should go to the the pool he put me down and i went with willow to get some costumes and since everyone got the one piece i was stuck with a bikini i threw a big net shirt and some booty shorts on and left with the girls when i got outside i took off my top and all the boys were staring at somethin so i turned around to see wht dey were staring at and when i turned around no-one there then i saw they were staring at me so i smirked to myself i slowly pulled my shorts down and then on purpose pulled part of my bikini bottom with it so i would see their reaction.

every boy there had  boner and then i busted out laughing at they look at me with confused faces i pointed down below and they all looked down at the same time.and all the girls busted out laughing while they sed

girls-u got em!killin it!killin it!guuurl look at u do to them 

i winked at the boys and walked towards the girls i knew they weere all starin at my basement if u know what i mean;) i waved the wind to turn their heads the other way 

i got a beach chair and put sun-cream on myself i turned to ray

me-(with a pouty face)raay?could rub some sun-cream on my back......pleeaaase;)

ray-O_oim sorry what?

me- i need help gettin sun-cream on my bck.if u dont wanna do it i could always ask willow or roc or(GCO)

ray-ima do it no worries

when his hands touched ma back he was shakin then when he started rubbing i sed right there and moaned a little then i felt somethin very hard on my hard and i mean hard as a rock and i looked down and saw that ray's "friend "had woken up from his nap and was know bothering me;)i lightly brushed my hand against it then he looked down saw his friend and started to blush he stood up

me-thaank u ray

ray-MMMNMNUUEME,W,W(gibberish for ur so welcome)

i smiled and laid back down while he walked back to the guys with his hd down 

all the girls snickered 

all of  sudden i felt being lifted i took of my shades and saw roc walking over to the pool i tred to set him alight but he was wet so i coudnt and he was stronger than me so i jsut stayed still then he stopped and sed"ths is for kicking ma ass at the fight "

me-it aint ma fault u weak 

and with that he threw me into the pool. as soon as i entered i came out of there and looked around for roc he wasnt their i called on the wind to blow dry me and tell me where he went"he is in the ktchen cabnet in wolf form"bingo i walked slowly to the kitchen and sed

me-come out come out where ever you are

i opened the cabinet with a fireball around me then he leapt out and landed on the fire and he started to howl and he turned back to himself and i was rolling on the floor laughing literally 

i love this group but wat if drake comes back for me eh!ill ask ariana to give me more powers like water electricity VSSS(very sensitive six sense the sixth sense is knowing when a vamp or  werewolf,good or bad, small or big is coming.)

i asked her and she gave it to me no fuss but then my sixth sense came on it sent spider feelings all over ma body.

and i knew what it meant.......

yep, it meant drake was coming

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