The New Man

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Third P.o.v

All the girls stared at the new person whom saved you. The Man held you close, protecting you from your bullies.

"I'll ask once more, what has she done to you?!"

Your bullies only sweat, unsure how to answer the unknown Man's question. The leader smiled, placing her hands on her hip. She stared at the man with a sly expression.

"We were just having fun, we always do this to one another. Isn't that right girls?"

The followers nodded to their leader response, believing it would fool him. Unfortunately for them, he grabbed your hand and started to walk towards them.

"From the looks of it, she did not have a reaction of 'fun' you speak of. On the other hand, I do want you three to apologize to her, then exit this store grounds."

The Man stops in front of them, pulling you in front. You faced the three girls who gave you a smug and disgust look. You had to do something, or they would make your life hell at school.

Should you lie to the man, pretending to show fear for them? Or should you wait until they apologize, and face their wrath tomorrow at school. Your head started to spin, with the debate bickering back and forth.

"Fine, we are sorry for going to far on you..."

Their leader spoke out, making you snap back from your mental state. She turned around and walked away, followed by her two lasses. Once they were no longer in sight, the man patted your head.

"I am glad I saw you, you would have been embarrassed huh?"

You nodded your head shyly, unsure what to say. Suddenly you spike your attention towards him, remembering what your true intention was.

"H-Have you seen a tall man... Who probably resembles U-Uchiha Madara...?! He is not really him, just... Cosplaying!"

The Man stared at you, wearing an expression like he saw a ghost or something. He shook his head once he heard the word cosplay. Gently smiling at you, he asked if he could help you search for the man.

Your eyes lit up a bit, mostly because you won't be alone if your bullies decided to come back. You bowed a bit, thanking him for his offer to help.

Somwhere else with a Certain Uchiha...

He was staring at the 65' inch flat screens on display. His brow twitched from the size of it, wondering how and why do people like these kind of things.

Madara P.o.v

How could anyways buy these devices?! The height and width of this TV... How can anyone fit everything into this TV?!

My brow twitched even more, just trying to comperhend this size. I briefly let out an exaggerated sigh, going unnoticed as a Man stared at me.

When I felt the presence of an intent of murder stare, my eyes trailed to the man who continued to watch me. I could only blink, then return the glare. Tch, to think someone would have the courage to glare at me. Oh, if only they knew I am the real Madara...

I observed the man, taking notice of his white hair... Similar style to that of Hashirama's younger brother... Tobirama was it? His eyes were also the same ruby color.. Hmm could it also be one of those...'cosplayers' that I was referred to as?

The Man then started to walk towards me, never taking his eyes off of me. I did the same, walking towards him. We never left each other's glare, not wanting to glance away even for a second, this is a battle I would never back down. Once we stood an inch away, we continued our glare in silence.

~.:Fictional to Nonfictional?!:.~ Madara Uchiha x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now