Open House.

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Third P.o.v

Today was the day, it seems like it wouldn't come any faster as you were quickly brushing your hair. Today was the day you would get a look at the houses.

You woke up 2 hours early, excitement already filled your veins. With a quick look at the clock, you squealed in joy and quickly ran out of your room. Your Aunt was drinking her Coffee as well as talking on the phone with someone from her work.

Upon entering the kitchen, you wave to your Aunt as she smiled and opened one of her arms for a hug. You complied and gave her a great big bear hug, still excited for today.

"Good Morning! Are we heading out soon?!"

You asked your aunt as she returned with another nod. With this, you quickly open the fridge and grabbed an Apple out, taking a quick bite out of it and running toward the front door.

Mr. Kang was sitting on the couch, reading a book while also checking things off on his little PDA. You would think he would sit still, patiently waiting for your Aunt and yourself but, he was the type to make sure that everything was ready and there are backup plans. It never hurts to be prepared right?

Once he was done with his checklist, he looks up and sees you. He gives you a friendly smile as you return it with your own.

"I heard you shuffling last night Miss (L/n). Were you excited for the open house today?"

"Yes! I am just looking forward to finally inviting friends over for sleepovers, small gathering, and/or for you and Miya to have your own rooms. I know this apartment is a little cramped."

Kang shakes his head, getting up, and walks towards you. He pats your head giving you another smile. You couldn't help but blush from his action, looking down in embarrassment.

"Mr. Kang! I'm going to be 18 years old soon! I am not a little child anymore!

He laughed, watching you become more bashful from his pat. He takes his hand away as he remembers his older brother use to pat him on the head.

"Sorry Miss (L/n), but you reminded me of myself when I was younger!"

You puff your cheeks in annoyance but soon let it go. You smiled and walked past him.

"Apology accepted! But you have to buy me a treat!"

"(F/n)? Kang? I'm ready, let's go!"

"Yes, Miya!!"

You were the first one to head out the door as your Aunt and Kang looked at each other before laughing. You were still the little girl to them, even with dark childhood memories. This was one of those times where you would light up.

Your P.o.v

I excitedly looked out the window as Kang drove us to the location. I heard my notification go off and I quickly took it out. I found that Shoyo texted me and opened the message.

Shoyo: (N/n)! Take pictures of the houses you are looking at!

(N/n): Sorry Shoyo! But you have to come over and see it yourself! Btw, how is Madara doing with Tobi and Haru?

Shoyo: I wouldn't say good, nor bad... I guess neutral for now... I'll know after the remainder of the month!

I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket, Miya looked back at me and smiled. Miya has always been the parental love I needed. She may be my aunt, but I would consider her as my mom. The same goes for Mr. Han, he is the father figure to me... Speaking of which...

"Hey Miya?"

"Yes, Darling~?"

"Have you... Ever considered... Dating yet?"

Miya went silent as I noticed Mr. Kang looked away from the rearview mirror. This is strange... Why did they both have a strange reaction... Wait... Could they be?

"I have actually thought about it... But with me being the Ceo and not wanting to be away from my adorable neice~!! I have no time for dating. Why do you ask?"

"Uh... Just wondering..."

Aunt Miya turned around to look at me and smiled... An all too familiar smile that she would always use on me.

"It's nothing like that!! I just got curious because I never saw you with someone!!"

Aunt Miya giggled and turned around. She waved her hand, stopping all advances on me.

"I get I get! When I can trust that someone can look out for my little Niece, I'll consider dating... Deal?"


I smiled as I actually have someone in mind for me and Aunt Miya. But that will take a while... Especially with his personality.

"Ms. Lawson, we have arrived."

Third P.o.v

You immediately looked out and saw the house. Your eyes shine brighter than the light in the sky. When Kang stopped the car you jumped out from it and ran up to the front door. Miya and Kang laughed at your enthusiasm as they exited the vehicle.

"Ms. (L/n) I know you are excited, but please do save your energy. We still have 5 more to view today."

"I know Dad! But I just can't wait! This will be our official house! Right, Mom?!"

You turned around, too ecstatic to notice what you said. Miya and Kang looked at you wide-eye, making sure they did not mishear you. When it finally settled in, they both looked at each other and smiled.

"Who knew my niece would see us like that?"

"Kind of embarrassing... Do you believe she knows?"

"No, not yet at least... But let's wait until there is someone for her... Izuna."

He smiled at her and nodded, Miya went ahead to catch with you as Izuna looked up toward the sky.

"No more wars... And a peaceful life. I wish you were here... Brother."

"Dad!!! Hurry up!! You're delaying the tour!!!"

Izuna laughed and speed walk to the front door.

~.:Fictional to Nonfictional?!:.~ Madara Uchiha x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now