Chapter 1- Guys are jerks

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Chapter 1

Guys are Jerks

"Kelly," a hypnotizing voice whispered in my ear causing me to shiver. A body snuggled closer to me and wrapped their arms around me, they kissed my forehead gently causing me to sigh in content.

I tried to open my eyes to see who this wonderful person making me feel this way was but those stubborn buggers refused to open, not even a slit.

The mystery person snuggled closer to me, their breath fanning over my face causing my heart to beat fast and uneven. "Kelly..." they whispered again causing my breath to hitch at their tone.

"Yes?" I whispered back eagerly the shivers becoming more frequent.

"I love-" and that's when my alarm went off kicking me out of that memorizing dream.

"Screw off..." I cursed in a tired tone at my alarm.

How dare it wake me from that amazing dream!

I opened my blue eyes and glared at the alarm clock, who ever invented those, I hate your guts.

I sat up and turned off the alarm, running a hand through my messy ginger hair I scowled.

Well I think it's about time I introduce myself, my name is Kelly Dunning, and starting today I'm a freshman at Anderson High School. For those who are clueless being a freshman means I'm in 9th Grade.

Oh and for those who are confused about earlier, that was a dream I've been having for the past week now. I'm fed up with it because every time I can't open my eyes to see who this person I'm dreaming about is, the whole thing is frustrating.

With a sigh I got out of bed, might as well get ready for school; don't get me wrong I love school just sometimes I feel like I want to just stay home and sleep.

The only good thing about going to school at Anderson is it's in walking distance and I don't have to drive the car I don't have.

Walking down the steps I saw my father reading a newspaper, my little sister already at her middle school. Ignoring my father I grabbed a bagel and headed out the door my backpack slung around my shoulders, not a word from my so called father as I left.

As I are my bagel I wondered what my home room class would be, I might even be in the same class as my best friend Harris. The thought brought a smile to my face, Harris Hunter, a delicious piece of eye candy with soft bluish black hair and gentle green eyes that just want to make you faint.

I have a crush on my best friend, so what?

I haven't been able to see him since the end of 8th grade because he went to summer camp that lasted the whole summer. My stomach is doing summersaults just thinking about seeing him again.

I walked past a couple holding hands and giggling, I was happy seeing as the girls were not being given dirty looks or judgmental stares. My likeness meter for this school just went up by 50%.

"Kelly!" A girl squealed waving her hands around trying to get my attention. I smiled and walked over to the brunette, Casy Jackson, likes to be called CJ, a friend I made over the schools tour camp.

I gave the girl a squeeze, "hey CJ good to see you again," I said with a smile.

She gave me a wink, "you too, I guess I'm going to get to meet the famous Harris Hunter today eh?"

Yeah... I might of mentioned that I had a crush on him.

"Yep," I said popping the p. "So home room?"

Her smile fell to a frown, Wenston room 325, you?"

"Burner 323 I hear he's the animation and video game design teacher." I replied with a sad smile.

CJ gave me a hug, "first or second lunch?"

I smiled, "first both days."

The smile returned to her face, "same, now I'm going to let you go young lady and I don't want to hear about any pranks you did for at least the first week of school, got it?"

I laughed, I was notorious in Middle School for my pranks and my tickling ways, boys feared me, "I got it, see you at lunch CJ." I said giving her a hug.


I sat down in home room, here I would get my schedule sit here for ten minutes then head for first period.

The bell rang at 9 o'clock, I sat at a computer waiting for Mr Burner to start talking. Before the teacher could open his mouth the door opened, at that moment I think every girl in the room's mouth dropped at once. Messy sandy blonde hair and handsome chocolate brown eyes, lean body, not muscular but fit, in my opinion drool worthy.

"Pardon my lateness sir," his deep voice said as he met the eyes of the teacher.

Mr Burner nodded, "it's quite alright, it's the first day and it's understandable to get lost. Please take a seat."

Looking around I panicked seeing that the only empty seat was next to me, time seemed to slow down as this godlike person walked over to me. I gulped as he sat down moving his backpack to rest at his feet. I smiled and held out my hand, "hello my name is Kelly," I said politely.

He glanced over at me and I wondered if he could hear my pounding heart, my amazement for him took a 180-degree turn hearing his next words.

"Sorry, I don't talk to the likes of you."

Hello, here is my first chapter of Frenemies, I got to say it was fun writing this, defiantly different than what I'm used to writing




HollyNeko ~Nya!

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