Chapter 3- Getting along with the Enemy

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Chapter 3
Getting along with the Enemy

Well wasn't this the most perfectly awkwardest little lunch ever. Drake and I were still staring at each other in shock while Harris was trying to make sense of the situation he just caused.

"Earth to Drake and Kelly come in Drake and Kelly," Harris waved his hand in between the two of us making us both snap out of what ever state we were in.

"I said, do you guys know each other?" Harris questioned with a raise of his brow green eyes looking surprised.

I let out a snort, "hardly, this asshole apparently doesn't talk to the likes of me."

Harris frowned, "what the hell is that suppose to mean?" He asked turning to Drake.

Drake snorted, "I'd love to tell you Harris but that's between me and little miss red over there."

And my hatred still grows stronger for him. Did he seriously just call me "little miss red"?

Harris chuckled, "Drake that's not an answer, why did you say that?"

"You both will find out when I'm good and ready," the blonde explained looking away from the both of us as he began to eat.

Harris sighed and scratched the back of his neck, "I'm sorry about him Kelly, Drake can be..."

"An asshole? Idiotic? Rude?" I listed raising an eyebrow at my friend still trying to find out how these two could be friends.

"I'm still here and I can hear you princess," Drake hummed taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I know, and I don't really care," I responded in a sing song tone.

Harris laughed, "I was going to say stubborn but those work too."

I walked towards my math class bent on expelling that idiot from my mind. Drake is the rudest most annoying person I've ever had to be in the presence of. At least I know he isn't in my math class, Harris had said something about Drake taking advanced math, which I was not in. I pushed open the classroom door and took my seat my feet positioning themselves on my new desk.

My eyes reopen as the bell rang, math, I'm really good at this subject ask anyone and they'll tell you the same. I just hope that there'll be people that I can tolerate in here, unlike last year, my eighth grade year.

The class consisted of the teacher droning on and on about class rules and getting our parents to sign the code of conduct.

"Lastly, I do not tolerate late work, you will turn your work on time with everything done, if you don't it's an instant zero," the teacher replied harshly scanning the room with a cold gaze. "If you aren't good at math in general I suggest getting yourself a tutor, if there is no more questions class dismissed talk among yourselves."

I happily leaned back in my seat, there's nothing to bother me now. That is, until I heard his voice.

"A tutor huh? Why I know just the person, Kelly would you be my tutor?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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