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@wheezykaspbrak & @y/u/n


liked by wheezykaspbrak, trashmouthtozier, bbbilldenbrough, and 8 others@y/u/n: "the lollipop was sweet but he was sweeter

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liked by wheezykaspbrak, trashmouthtozier, bbbilldenbrough, and 8 others
@y/u/n: "the lollipop was sweet but he was sweeter."

@wheezykaspbrak: i love you
^ replying to @wheezykaspbrak
@y/u/n: @wheezykaspbrak I love you too
@trashmouthtozier: aw how cute are you two
@bevviemarsh: this has killed me
@bbbilldenbrough: y'all are so adorable, aw
@henrybowers: i'd make fun of you two but this is cute, so I guess I'll let it slide this time

when your relationship with Eddie saves you from being bullied👍🏻


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