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a/n: as much as i don't like Jack Dylan Blazer, the character is someone whom I don't have any issue with & he's part of this so here we go.


@wheezykaspbrak & @y/u/n


liked by wheezykaspbrak, henrybowers, bbbilldenbrough, and 7 others@y/u/n Eddie needs to hit puberty and grow this tall #sorrynotsorry

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liked by wheezykaspbrak, henrybowers, bbbilldenbrough, and 7 others
@y/u/n Eddie needs to hit puberty and grow this tall #sorrynotsorry

@wheezykaspbrak oh my god, stop joking about my height. i'm very insecure about it and my mommy is too.
^ replying to @wheezykaspbrak
@y/u/n yes, i know. I talked to her the other day about it and she agreed. She needs you to be taller.
@wheezykasprak are you serious? my mommy too?
@trashmouthtozier haha Eddie. she's accurate on this point. however, doll, I'm taller and I'm available so you know where to find me;)
^ replying to @trashmouthtozier
@y/u/n you mean besides your bedroom?
@henrybowers haha the Losers trying to be funny
^ replying to @henrybowers
@wheezykaspbrak we are funny. go to hell.
^ replying to @wheezykaspbrak
@y/u/n aw. you're standing up for me now:)
@wheezykaspbrak of course I am. I love you.
@y/u/n love you too;)

yeah little longer.
tell me: would you guys read a F.R.I.E.N.D.S Imagines book?


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