Broken part2

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As I hear the deathly sounds of my mom screaming in pain, I finally realize that this was actually happening. I took my beaten up brown bag and overly sized jacket that my father had left behind, and I ran as fast as I could out of that old, creepy, and dreadful hospital. As I opened the creaky door I heard another curdling scream. I turned around and saw a doctor come towards me. In my mind I knew my mom was dead, that's what my what the doctor wants to tell me. Then suddenly I could feel a hot burning tear coming down my face. "Umm Miss, are u Rosanna"? She asked. "Yes". I said quitter than a mouse. " your mom would like to talk to you". My face lit up like the brightness of the sun. I ran down the same freaky hallway as fast as I could. When I got closer to her room I slowed down a bit. I could hear the persistent beeping sound of those machines. I started to slow down even more. Than I saw Kishma coming out of the room. "Oh"! "Ro"! " Your mother"- " yes I know"! I said with excitement. "Ok well I have to pick up Piper from art class". Kishma said. "Ok will I be able to see Piper"? I added. " Yes of course you do"! "Ok thank you so much"! I said happily. "Your welcome"! She said hugging me good bye. "Good bye sweet Rose".

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