Chapter 7

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Taurus' POV

This is one of the moments in life I regret living on the other side of the world.

Let's rewind.

My name is Taurus Soli, and I'm from Australia. According to my mom entry week isn't important, and I can just go the academy the week after that.


After some time, I give up and slow down my pace. I searched for my dorm number and open the door when I found it. My roommate seems to be neat. Everything is in place, his bed is made, his desk is in order, and his dirty clothes are on the basket. Poor guy, he's going to suffer with me most likely.

I realize my first class still has half an hour left, so I decided to at least show up. I spent the next ten minutes trying to find my classroom, and failing miserably. During the process of wondering around I collided with someone, and we fell onto the floor.

"Oh sorry man, are you alright?"

I look up and see a guy stretching his hand out to help me get up. I grasp his hand and stand up easily.

"Thanks, um, by any chance do you know where classroom number 132 is?"

"Of course, I'm actually on my way there. Follow me"

We walk down the hall, take a turn and three doors to the left we get to the classroom.

I entered the class half expecting for everyone to look at me, which caused me a lot of anxiety by the way, but that wasn't the case.

Everyone was in a circle getting to know each other when I walked in.  A girl with dark red hair and glasses was speaking.

"I was running for my life when I saw Leo in the living room. I grabbed his arm and through him in the direction of the evil creature. Leo fell face to face with the monster, and he screeched so loud I think china heard him! You should've seen his face! He stood up lighting fast, and my grandma came into the living room to check what was going on. She then saw our terrified look as we pointed the vile being. She proceeded to grab one of her flip flops and kill it. We ran to her to hug her for her bravery, and she said "Chavales, it was just a cockroach for Christ sake!" I haven't seen my grandma the same way after that; risking her life like that had us in tears." She turns away fake sobbing... okaaaaay?

A woman who seem to be the teacher saw the guy and me by the door. She gestures for us to go over there, and the guy grabs my wrist and pulls me over where everyone was.

"Okay class, we are going to introduce ourselves again for your new classmate to know who you are."

A girl with curly dark brunette hair was the first to introduce herself. She stands up and starts, "My name is Capricorn Petram, I'm from Honduras, my best friend is Virgo, and I know a lot of random facts that aren't really that interesting." Capricorn sits down, and the guy next to her stands up, "My name is Gemini Nimbus, I'm from Brazil, I love to make new friends, and I can tell you every single Shawn Mendes fact in existence," and so it goes. That is until it was her turn.

"My name is Aquarius Divum, I'm from New York though I was born in Honduras, I love to sing, and my favorite author is Rick Riordan," her gaze is on me as she sits back down.

"Long time no see, Aquarius"

"Long time no see, Taurus"

~One hour before~ 3rd POV

Leo and Aries enter the classroom five minutes before it starts.

When they walk in they see almost every sit taken leaving only five left.

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