Shiro word are like this
Paige's words are normal
So Keith is kinda cute
Is that all you think of him
What you think I like Keith well I don't ok
Ok ok I get it I'll tell him you like him for you
Why not if you don't like him it should be fine
Well it's not ok i-i just think hs c-cute I don't l-like him o-ok
That's a lie I sall you watching him sleep
First that's creepy and cute
He fell asleep on my shoulder
Yay he sure did didn't he
Shiro stop I'm serious I'm n-not jokeing
Ok ok hay Keith
What do you want shiro
Did you know lance watches you alot
Yes and no I knew someone was watching me alot
Aaaaahhhhh shiro I'm going to kill you
Why because you like Keith
Blushes what .....
........ uuuummm