Who Says You Can't Go Home

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Prologue: Who Says You Can't Go Home

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are nearing our final approach into Columbus, Ohio. At this time, we ask that you please return your seatbacks and tray tables to their upright and locked position. Please turn off any electronic devices and stow carry-on luggage that you may have taken out of the overhead bins, being careful when you open them as items may have shifted during the flight. A flight attendant will be coming through the cabin to pick up any remaining trash so please have that ready as we pass. Otherwise, we should be on the ground in about 20 minutes. Here at Southwest, we realize that you all have a choice in what airlines you fly and from all of us, we would like to say thank you for your business. It was a pleasure flying with you all today."

Quinn rolled her eyes and sighed, turning off her MP3 and putting it in her purse before tossing back the rest of the vodka cranberry cocktail she ordered for the flight. She normally wasn't a big drinker but for this trip home, she knew she would need it.

She discarded her cup when the flight attendant came around and reached into her purse, grabbing out a piece of gum and the fancy embossed envelope that had been tucked securely into a side pocket. That stupid envelope. She was thrilled when she first received the invitation but her excitement dwindled a bit when she realized who else would be there.

She opened it up and ran her fingers across the raised calligraphy print, reading it to herself again even though she had it memorized by now.

Mr. and Mr. Leroy and Hiram Berry

Request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter

Rachel Barbra Berry


Mr. Finn C. Hudson

Saturday, the nineteenth of June at four o'clock in the afternoon.

1630 Revello Drive

North Lima, Ohio 44452

Truth be told, she couldn't be more thrilled for her good friend Finn. He was a genuinely nice guy with a big heart and he deserved someone like Rachel, just like Rachel deserved someone like Finn. Quinn had met Rachel on a weekend trip up to New York to visit Finn a little over two years ago, the two women bonding instantly over the littlest things. Whether it was their mutual love of the same authors or karaoke or even the cocktails they preferred to drink, they had so much in common that by the end of the night Finn was left wondering if his girlfriend and best friend even knew he was still there.

She smiled as she thought about their impending nuptials. The week ahead leading up to the wedding would no doubt prove to be stressful, but knowing the crowd that would be in attendance, Quinn knew it would be a blast.

Except for one little detail: Noah Puckerman.

That was going to be the tricky part.

After all, Quinn was the one who was responsible for making things awkward between the two of them in the first place, so she should be the bigger person and get over it. But that was easier said than done. She needed to stay strong and be her usual cordial self to him instead of letting her heart get carried away by him... again. It had taken long enough to rebound from their last encounter that even now, eight years later, she was still haunted by memories of that night.

That night.

The last night she was in town before heading off to start her first year at Yale the following day.

She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat at the memory, trying to tell herself she needed to buck up and deal with it since he would most likely be at Finn's wedding too. They had been cordial to one another over all of the school holidays and when they ran into each other every now and again when they were visiting home, and it had been eight years since that night so she really should just get over it. Yet she knew that would be easier said than done.

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