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Trying to live and love,

With a heart that can't be broken,

Is like trying to see the light with eyes that can't be opened.

Yeah, we both carry baggage,

We picked up on our way, so if you love me do it gently,

And I will do the same.

We may shine, we may shatter,

We may be picking up the pieces here on after,

We are fragile, we are human,

We are shaped by the light we let through us,

We break fast, cause we are glass.

I'll let you look inside me, through the stains and through the cracks,

And in the darkness of this moment,

You see the good and bad.

But try not to judge me, 'cause we've walked down different paths,

But it brought us here together, so I won't take that back.


"Hey, everyone," Finn announced, asking for the room's attention as he and Rachel stood at the head of the long banquet table, "Can we have everybody's attention please?"

The entire room shifted their attention to where Finn stood with his arm around his future wife, the two of them grinning like idiots at one another while the rest of the group quieted down to allow them to speak.

"I uh - I guess I'll go first," Finn began as he glanced up at the rest of their guests, clearing his throat lightly before continuing, "I've never been very good with words or expressing myself, but I do want you all to know that Rachel and I really appreciate each and every one of you being here. Everyone in this room has played a major role in our lives and there is really no way for us to express our gratitude for all that you've done for us besides say thank you...and give you plenty of free food and booze."

The whole room chuckled while Rachel smacked her fiancé in the chest, the feisty brunette taking her own turn to speak to the room, "And with that, I guess it's my turn. Despite my future husband's candor and offers of an open bar, we do really appreciate each and every one of you taking the time out of your schedules to come and share in our special day. Finn and I are so grateful for your presence in our lives, we are incredibly thankful to be able to spend the happiest day of our lives with all of you and we feel so blessed and honored to be able to call you all our best friends and family. We also wanted to say a special thank you to our parents as this day simply would not be possible without your love and support. Dad, daddy, I love you both so much and Carole, you truly are the mother I never had and I feel so blessed to become a part of your family tomorrow. Thank you all again and in the words of my fiancé, eat and drink up!"

There was a round of "here, here" as everyone raised their glasses to the couple and began to take their seats, the waiters and waitresses wandering around to each guest, taking their orders and refilling their drinks while the rest of the group continued to socialize.

The conversation flowed easily, Quinn chatting with Mercedes and Tina, Santana and Britt laughing next to them while Mercedes regaled them with stories of all of Rachel's ridiculous antics in high school. From constantly dressing up like a "geriatric toddler" (as Santana so kindly described the pictures Tina pulled out) to her constant "creative tirades" during and after choir practice to her strange obsession with Barbra Streisand, the girls giggled over Rachel's past, much to the diva's chagrin. But she was a good sport as well, promising to air out all of the dirt she had on each of the girls when their time came.

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