Chpt. 1

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I laughed along with my brother as we run away from the market, our pockets full of treats and sweets to fill our bellies on, as the store managers sit in a pile of broken candy jars. I glance back and see one of the older kids that made the ruccus being dragged into the center of town. I immediatly regret looking because Cato turned his head before coming to a full stop. 

"Let's go watch Calice." Cato says grabbing my hand, pulling me to the direction of the fountain. We stand looking over the edge of  the black railing on the tips of our toes

"These minors have been caught stealing and raiding the local candy store. Punishment will be based on the weight of the crime." The guard commands and is brought a whip by a local. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cato leaning over even more, a dangerous smile playing on his lips.

"Lets see what tricks you have up your sleeve officer" he mumbles, his eyes flickering bacl and forth between the boy's face, the whip, and the boy's hands.

 The guard locks the boy's hands in the meat cuffs that hung off the edge of the table. He steps back and dips the whip into the nearest bucket of water before pulling it out. He strikes the air and raises his arm back, ready to bust the boy's skin. I look down and notice the small pool of flowers that encircled my feet. My hand reaches for my hair when I notice that the dead flowers came from my hair. Tears fill my eyes I look at Cato who avoids my gaze. I look away as the piercing screams and the sound of cracking bones fill my ears and I quickly turn on my heels and scurry away towards our house. 

I unlock the door with the golden key that hangs around my neck and run into my dad's office. He is not there and I call out for mother who also seems to not be here. Cato told me that they were home but after finding a letter on the fridge, I realized they were at a meeting.

I whistle for my shape shifter guardian, Ace, and he appears in an instant. After reading my eyes, he takes my hand in his and we teleport to where mom and dad are. The king, or our "uncle" looks at me with surprise and concern as I run into dad's arms before pointing to my hair. 

" where is your brother Calie?" Uncle asks and I tell him about what happened in the town. Ace pulls me away from dad and I watch as he pulls Cato into the room out of thin air.

Silence takes everyones voice and I avoid my brother's eyes. My mother takes a breath before searching through Cato's mind. I lock eyes with him and all I see is anger and a crack in our connection and in him.


Hey  darlings,

It's Caramel and I hope you liked the character descriptions as well as this chapter. Sorry its so short. It is supposed to be a memory in both of their minds that starts the journey. So everyone in that room(King, Mom, Dad, Cato and Calice) They all have knowledge of the twins' indifference and they are protecting it. Both twins have guardians and each for a specific purpose. Ace was assigned to Calie by the king and he is a 2 years older that her. 

Oh and to begin the story, the twins are both 12.

I hope you like it.

Love, Caramel

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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