BabyShower part 2

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Koby POV
i was sitting with the boys Marcus , Sammie, Naelyn. we all sat around and waited for the games to start ,which i wasn't going to participate in no matter what my baby  said. " dae been gettin on my nerves lately " Naelyn complained " shit taniya been gettin on mine too with her big headed ass" Marcus joined him in the complaining me and Sammie just sat back and listened . " well its all good in my paradise " i said " mine too" Sammie said " mine too " my baby sister mocked . i picked her up and sat her in my lap. " girl whatchu know about trouble in paradise"i asked witha chuckle "thass what mommy say to miz worfy on da phone when her an daddy fight" i shook  my head at the thought . Diamond walked over and i traded her baby Ka'lyah for my plate of food . as she was about to walk away i grabbed her gently and gave her a kiss and thanked her . " awww look at Koby bein all romantical " sammie joked we all laughed " i know you ain't talkin bout being ' romantical' Sammie wasn't it your idea to take Genevieve out for along walk on the beach at sunset?" Naelyn asked  we laughed some more " ok and at least me and Koby gettin some " he started " what that leave you and Marcus gettin?" me and Sammie were the only ones laughing at that one . Marcus and Naelyn frowned " yea nigga whatever i still pull more bitches than you " Marcus said just then taniya walked " boy please , you can barely pull yo dirty ass draws off the damn floor so what make you pull bitches ?
" he looked at her side ways " girl shut up , you always hatin on me " " nigga no" we watched as they went back and forth in amusement. the games were about to start so they got it together.

FIRST GAME - all the couples pair up . there are 16 balloons per couple. boys on one side girls on the other , same for the balloons pink on one side blue on thee other. now the girls will have the pink balloons tape to their stomachs and the boys will have blue . the objective of the game is to switch balloons with out touching the balloons with your hands . first couple to have the opposites balloon wins and you have to run.

as the game began all the couples began to run . the game should over all take 20 minutes but it turned to 15 when diamond popped Koby balloon and Koby popped hers. everyone knew they did it on purpose but they swore it was on accident. that left three couples. Marcus was still upset with taniya so he took his blunt popped al they balloons a swiftly placed it back in his mouth.  he picked her up and they told everyone good bye. leaving two couples in the game . dae was actually afraid of balloons so her and Naelyn were super careful. Sammie and Genevieve on the other hand didn't even care for the game they in stead hit each other with them.

Alexis pov

everyone had gone home except for Diamond and Koby. they had stayed to help. as we wrapping up i sat down and looked at the stars. i felt the tears roll down my face but i didn't care to wipe them away. i remember the last time i seen my husband be fore he died two months back. if i would've know that was the last time i was gonna see him i would've told him i was pregnant and that i loved him but no we argued about something as dumb as him showing up late to dinner...i remember it like it was yesterday...
" Anthony you always fuckin sorry fa shit but you seem to always let it happen again,why is that?" i asked s he walked upstairs . i followed hot on his trail . " Alexis leave me alone i said i was sorry already " he stated while taking of his tie. " nigga just because you say sorry that don't mean everything is solved this ain't no damn elementary school and I'm so sick and tired of yo shit" i yelled he kept getting undressed . i let out a sigh of frustration and walked out the room .i stomped down the stairs " stupid bastard" he came out the room " what did you say?" he asked . i looked at him and honestly i was a little intimidated but i wasn't completely scared so i said it again " stupid bastard" he raised his eyebrows like he was shocked " you need me to say it-" before i could finish he grabbed me by my throat. " you listen here you hard headed stubborn bitch-" the look in his eyes scared me " you got one more damn time to call me out" i scraped at his hands and choked out what i could " stop your hurting me , i cant breath" a tear slid down my face and he let go . i fell to the ground as he went up stairs and grabbed his keys and jacket he looked at me on the floor with sadness in his eyes . i looked at " im not mad at you Anthony , but you need o go and don't come back"
next week after that i get a call sayin he got in a car accident and two cars were piled on his. my thoughts were interrupted " we all miss him lexis" Koby masculine voice rang through my ears as he sat next to me and gave me a hug. " well i miss him most " and He's lookin down on you and his new baby boys and he's proud ...i feel it lexis" i wiped my eyes and smiled at him " thanks Joby , you and Diamond are great help in every situation" he squeezed my shoulder .Diamond came outside with baby Ka'Lyah " okay slender man yo girl and sister ready so get goin" i walked them out the front and lock up the house . i went upstairs stripped out my clothes and hopped in the shower . i let the water run down my sin as i thanked God for the day i had and all my good fortune. i got out and threw my hair back i put on one of Ants shirts and got in bed. his side still smelled like him. i snuggled into his pillow and cried .  missed him so much i prayed every night that God heard my prayers and he told Anthony that i was sorry as i dosed of to sleep a sudden peace fell over my heart. and i seen Anthony covered in a beautiful light just as handsome as when i met him. " i forgive you and i love you take care of my boys" and just as he came he left

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