late night (matty)

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- matty -
there you sat, lying in bed waiting for matty to come back from the studio. He's been practically slaving over this third album since the start of last month. Everyday he's in there, working away. It's not like he doesn't enjoy making the album, you and him just wish you could spend more time together. But nowadays, the record label wants the album done in the next few months, so matty and the boys have no time for girlfriends.

It was about half pass eleven when matty came into your shared flat. The train home must've been late again, for he usually comes in at eleven right on the dot.

"baaabe i'm home!" he practically shouts throughout the home. You were asleep by now, you have had the absolute worst cramps so you definitely needed it.

Not too long after calling for you, matty makes his way to the bedroom where you lay. He sharply inhales as he sees you

"so so pretty" matty adds as he makes his way to your side of the bed. He softly kisses your shoulder and nibbles on your ear, "miss me?" he whispers

you groan in response because he had clearly just woken you up. "always" you somehow manage to mumble. You turn over onto you back, so you can now stare at the ceiling that crawls with water damage. Matty exhales as he gets up off from the bed to undress to just his boxers, something usual in his night routine

"your tits look nice today" he states, as he climbs onto the left side of bed.

"thanks?" you question, you didn't necessarily  do anything to them so it caused your brain to do a little thinking before matty would speak again

"i wrote another song about you" he says, slowly moving towards you so his chest was now pressed up against your back. "it's not too bad, still needs a bit of work but i think you're gonna like it"

All you can do it hum in agreement, you're too tired to even speak now. Matty gets the signal, which is surprising because he can never pick those up

"Alright y/n you win, i'll leave you alone for the night" he says, turning over to face away from you.

"tanks" you mumble. He quickly snaps his head to face yours

"you did not just fucking reference that video! I told you to stop quoting it" he fires back

you and matty have had this inside joke that originated from a youtube video where a guy puts his own audio over live performances. This guy ended up doing "chocolate" and at the end, inside of saying "thanks" like a normal person, he makes it look like matty said "tanks". It's actually quite funny once you actually see it, you couldn't stop teasing Matty about it. He found it quite funny too, but he practically banned you from quoting it because he would almost piss himself from laughter each time

"TANKS!" you giggle

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