bangin (george)

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"You remember when we first met?" George asks you

"Of course, how could I forget?" you reply with a laugh

---3 years prior---

You walked into the gig, it was a small venue so you could easily squeeze through the crowd without too much effort. This new band was playing at your favorite bar so you decided to see them. "Bigsleep" is what they were called. You weren't a big fan of the name, but the four boys looked pretty capable of playing a good show.

They se tarted with a song called "Chocolate" you couldn't seem to keep your eyes off of the tall boy on the drums. Although the singer was also pretty cute, the other boy seemed less intimidating. 

Throughout the show, you ended up making loads of eye contact with him. It was odd how you could be so taken with someone even without knowing their name. Now it was nearing the end of the show and the singer started introducing everyone.

"Thanks for coming out everyone, I'm Matty, this lad on the guitar is Adam, then we have Ross, and finally this bloke back here is George"


Now with finally knowing his name, after the show you sneaked backstage. You knew your way around the bar, so it wasn't hard to find the band all smoking outside. 

"Sorry, um..hi" you mumbled, standing in front of the four boys. Surprisingly, they all kindly greeted you and George even offered you a fag. You couldn't turn down the offer, so he lit it for you and smoked for a few minutes and chatted about the show. You couldn't help but notice George staring at you.

"Alright well we've got to help pack up all our shit, George why don't you stay with y/n and chat more" Matty said with a wink. 

You started blushing as everyone left, leaving you and George alone to do god knows what

"Sorry I interrupted your smoke session, I just needed to see you, you were totally bangin tonight" you manage to say despite the butterflies building up inside you.

He cracked a smile that made you practically melt, "No problem babe, I was hoping to see you again" George spoke.

The next few minutes consisted of you two getting to know each other more and eventually he got your number. You've been together ever since

an- OOF okay sorry for not updating in a long ass time, please leave requests (in the comments or DM me) luv u

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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