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Heyo folks! Here is another chapter!! This one gets really interesting! Quick thanks to everyone who has been reading and commenting!! It means a great deal to me! Also check out Steve_Spandex. His stories are awesome and definitely worth the read!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! It's a spicy one!



Slowly, I woke up.

As I opened my eyes to the artificial light beaming through, I recalled last nights events.

After prolonged hours of kissing and loving, I had fallen asleep, my gorgeous Zac beside me. But now, I lay in bed alone. All my restraints, to my temporary dismay, were gone.

I sat up, confused by the comfortable liberation. I siezed the opportunity to explore. I got up and stretched and took in my surroundings once more.

The large room was nicely decorated, with oak paneling and a dark red wallpaper. At the front of the room, the metal door stood. Two identical chairs stood on either side and I smiled as I remembered my brief flight from Zac. I turned around to check behind the bed. The giant, elegant bed stood in the middle of the room. To the right, I already knew was the bathroom. But what was to the left I had yet to explore. The door I nearly reached yesterday stood beckoning me to come close. I did as it demanded. I reached out and grabbed the handle, giving it a jostle. The door, however, proved solid shut. And being made of metal, there was no luck getting in.

I sighed and headed towards the bathroom to freshen up.

After cleaning up, I bounced over to the bed and jumped onto it, staring at the door. I was growing bored and really wanted to see Zac again.

Looking at the metal door, I noticed there were no locks on the inside.

Suddenly, an idea hit me. What if I actually escaped? Yesterday's little attempt was fun and all but if I actually gave Zac a scare, what would his reaction be?

I giggled to myself and set a plan.

About thirty minutes sitting in my staged position the metal door began to clamour. I was sitting underneath one of the large chairs adorning either side of the metal door. After a rustle of keys and the slipping of a lock, the metal door clanged open. From under the chair, I noticed Zac's bare feet step in. He closed the door and holding a large, duffle bag made his way to bed, where I had stuffed a bunch of pillows.

As he reached the bed I took my chance. I darted out from underneath the chair and grabbed the metal door handle. Zac was taken by surprise and watched in awe for a minute. I pulled open the heavy door and turned to pull it shut. Zac was running full speed for the door. I slammed it shut, giving myself a few seconds headway.

I knew this house well and bolted up the stairs to the bedroom. From afar I heard the metal door bang open. I doubled my speed and made it to the bedroom. I sprinted in and quickly looked around. Oh crud where am I going to hide? I could hear Zac getting closer and did the only thing I saw fit, hide under the bed.

Just as I pulled my body under, Zac came rushing in. He stopped at the door and began to search the large room. He laughed a deep echoing sound.

"Well I applaud you. You did much better this round, and I should have learned from my mistakes." A iron handcuff dropped to the floor, the chain trailing upward, presumably in his hands.

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