The Greatest Catch

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I'm back and with a whole new chapter!! This one isn't long, but I think it will hold enough juice for you all! It is quite a turn! Anyways, thanks for the support, the 18k views!!!!, and the comments! They mean the world to me!

Without further ado, The Greatest Catch.



Darkness. Complete darkness. That is exactly what I awoke to. Confused, I tried to sit up but found myself completely incapable of moving.

What is...suddenly I remembered. The chase, the collar, Zac, the hidden room. A sense of dread settled in as I strained to hear anything from the outside world. I tried to shift my jaw just enough for my lips to slightly part, but the leather hood pulled harshly across my chin and the duct tape underneath only stood to aid it. I pulled as much as I could against the restraints painfully digging into my body but I could not move. I sat there for hours, or at least it seemed so, pondering my fate. What if something happened to Zac? What if Zac came back angry? What did he mean I would never feel freedom again? He does realize he cant keep me tied up forever...doesnt he? These questions were pounding through my head when suddenly the weight of the bed shifted.

Scared, I struggled helplessly. I began to feel the straps around my head loosen, along with my collar. After a couple minutes the last buckle was undone and the leather hood was removed from my head. I squinted into the light, unable to focus.

Still not able to see well enough, I heard a deep chuckle. "Well what have we here?" I immediately tensed up and turned my eyes to the sound.

It wasn't Zac.

Now truly terrified, I did my best to shrink away and started yelling through my gag.

Sitting next to me, staring at me, was a young man with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He, like Zac, had sharp cheekbones and scruff aligning his mouth. However, something in his stance was downright scary. He was smiling, making matters worse. Who was this man? Why was he dressed all in black? What was he doing here? I tried to ask all these questions but all that came out was "mphm umf murph".

His smile never faltering, he looked over me. His eyes rested on my chest and I squirmed. He looked back at me and grinned. "Now imagine this," he began. "Here I am, minding my business and looking around the house for treasures and whatnot," his eyes flashed back at me, "and I find this heavy metal door. Now in all my experience, the heavy vault-like doors always lead to the best treasures. So I break through the door and," he pauses, "and I find something much more valuable than I bargained for." 

Oh my gosh. He is a thief! A THIEF in MY house. One that just stumbled across me and by the looks of it isnt disappointed. I struggled with renewed vigor to rid myself of these straps.

Ignoring my useless attempts, he continued, "Now what am I supposed to do? I could just leave the valuable to its own devices." I nod my head intensely trying to persuade him.

His eyes twinkled with thirst and mischief, "Or...I could take it for myself."

I pull against my restraints and cried out into my gag.

The man leaned closer and closer to me. He then sat on top of me, preventing my attempts to escape. He leaned down and whispered into my ear, "I'm thinking the latter."

Unable to resist, a tear slid down my face and I turned my head.

He leaned back and wiped the tear from my eye and laughed. "Oh now I'm positive I want you."

I shivered as he got off me and jumped off the bed. I craned my neck to see him shuffling through the drawers. I took this moment to try and alert anyone I could. I screamed into the gag, but the noise that come out wasn't nearly loud enough to penetrate the walls of this room. I pulled against the leather straps in every which way, but nothing loosened.

The man spoke out, "Ahah! I knew he'd have some!" He pulled something out of the drawer and walked over to me. His eyes scaled my body again and I could hear a sort of growl coming from him. He jumped on the bed and began straddling me again. He leaned forward and begin kissing my eyes, my nose, my cheeks, everywhere. I tried to push him away but my hands were still pinned tightly behind me. His kisses trailed down my neck and across my breasts. He grabbed my breasts and i gasped through my gag and squirmed, tears running down. After a couple minutes his kisses trailed back up and he paused to speak, "You are the sweetest thing I have ever tasted." He pulled back so he was looking into my eyes and started messing with something he had placed beside me. "You will be my greatest catch, no doubt."

He smiled and pulled out a cloth, recently soaked. I uselessly attempted one last time to pull myself away but is was of no use. He lowered the cloth to my face and held it against my nose, all the while staring into my eyes.

I struggled as best I could, but his grip stood firm against my nose and my vision turned blurry. I stopped struggling as my vision faded and heard him say "Sleep tight love." And then all I saw was darkness.


Dun dun DUUUUNNN. What just happened?! Plot twist it up!! Tell me what you think in the comments!!


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